Yumi Wright Pt.2

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"Shh...there, there." Her grandpa's voice hushed.
Yumi felt his hands holding her cheeks and she sobbed at his contact, only missing him more.
"It's okay." He cooed, "It's okay to be scared. It's okay to cry...The things we see ARE scary."
Yumi continued to cry, trying to find comfort in her grandpa's voice and words.
"But you can't let fear stop you. If you keep moving forward..."
Yumi could feel his presence fade slowly from her. Though she wasn't sad, instead she was at peace.
"...I'll be okay." Yumi whispered, finishing her grandpa's wise words.
A new determination began to wash over her, now level-headed and ready to face off against that killer teddy bear.
"Okay, I can't stay here forever," She admitted, "But...there might be something in the basement to help me."
Then Yumi's mind began to wander. There was no way that could be the same bear Nora got her from the antique shop. It felt weird at first but Yumi never really thought anything of it. No one would have known that it was actually a child-eating monster.
She looked around the stack of boxes in the basement, nothing useful...it was all from the antique shop. There had to be something.
"Oop!" She gasped, a red ball falling out of one of the boxes.
It sounded as though the ball had hit something metal. Curiously reaching out for the object, Yumi pulled out a metal box. It gave off an odd arua.
"Is this why Grandpa wanted me to go to the basement?" She thought.
She opened up the box to find a puppet curled inside with a snowglobe tucked safely in its arms.
"What a weird arua." Yumi thought to herself, picking up the dummy after gently putting the snow globe to the side.
She turned it around and put her hand in the pocket on its back, "It's almost like there was something sharp in there."
Then it spoke.
Yumi was surprised by the dummy's harsh words and sudden...y'know, coming to life.
"Oh...you're not him..." The dummy mumbled, "My apologies ...I just assumed that you were-"
Yumi cut off the dummy with a growing sob. She was tired, scared, and all she felt she could do was cry. The dummy was obviously very uncomfortable with her sobbing and looked at the snowglobe, knowing at least one of the sisters would be good in this situation. One figure inside laughing at his misfortune and the other looking like she wanted to hug the poor girl.
"Alright, enough of this." He growled.
In a puff of smoke, Yumi dropped the dummy. Dust caused her to cough and choke before it finally cleared.
"Ah, here we go. Much better." The dummy crooned.
Well, it seemed to have gotten taller. Taller than Yumi, in fact. The snow globe was held securely in his hands.
"Well, now. So terribly sorry for giving you a fright," The dummy hummed, "So who might you be?"
"Y-Yumi..." The Albino stuttered.
"Charmed!" The dummy beamed.
There was a little clinking sound, like porcelain tapping against the glass. The dummy looked down to see two small faces looking up at him. One smiling and waving, the other glaring and gesturing to Yumi.
"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you two." the dummy grumbled.
"W-Who..."Yumi trailed off, forgetting how to speak.
"Oh my! How rude of me! I'm-" The dummy was interrupted by the sound of loud growling.
"I almost forgot!" Yumi thought worriedly, "Did it get tired of waiting?"
The puppet brought the globe closer to himself as he peered suspiciously at the basement door. The two figures in the snow globe looked at one another.
"You don't think that's-" *GROWL*
"I think it is, (N/n)." The older twin frowned, she then began to punch her first against the glass once more.
"What is making that awful racket? Besides you, Vivi." The dummy smirked down at the figure trapped in the snow globe.
"Teddy..." Yumi whimpered, "Living teddy bear..."
(Y/n) began to wish that it wasn't the puppet holding the snow globe. She looked up and saw the frown on his face, his shoulder's beginning to shake in fury and (Y/n) could swear that she heard a 'crack' inside her dome-like prison.
"Teddy...bear?" The raven-haired male grumbled, his sharp canines showing in his scowl.
Vivianna was starting to feel uneasy about her companion's sudden behavior. Moving involuntarily closer to her younger twin protectively, as if she could prevent anything in her state.
"Still...After so long..." The puppet began to walk towards the door, roughly shoving the snowglobe in Yumi's hands.
Yumi began to follow after The supposedly mindless dummy cautiously. Vivianna now docile and silent because she wasn't sure what her 'partner' was capable of in his enraged state. (Y/n) looking in awe at the young human girl who was now holding the snowglobe.
"Still...We're still...HAVING TO CLEAN UP MY IDIOT CREATOR'S MESS!" The puppet shouted.
(Y/n) and Yumi flinched at the sudden change of the puppet's tone, only to cringe more and more as he began to rant about having to clean up the mess his maker made even after so long. (Y/n) wished she was back in her regular form to calm him down but she knew that wouldn't happen until after he got his anger out of his system.
"IT'S ABSOLUTELY SWELL!" the dummy snarled.
"W-wait! Don't open-" Yumi was cut off by the loud sound of the door being opened.
The bear was flung back and let out an angry whimper.
"Oh, shut up." The puppet huffed.
The bear growled once more, eventually getting up on its feet and charging at the annoyed dummy. (Y/n) held onto her older twin's arm, whimpering slightly.
"Oh come on, it's Paris. No way that bear is gonna hurt him" Vivianna tried to comfort.
"It's not Paris I'm worried about," (Y/n) replied shakily, "There's nothing to stop the bear from getting hurt."
The red-haired sister's green eyes then widened and looked at the fight about to unfold in front of her.
"It's been a while," the living dummy taunted, "Still as cuddly as before, I see."
Yumi, despite the horror and scariness of the situation, could only wonder what the puppet could've meant by 'before'. Then her attention was brought back by the snowglobe, looking down she could see two of the figure's in it wildly making gestures. One with bright red-hair was pounding her tiny fists against the glass and the (h/c)-haired one was pointing urgently at the cap. Yumi then looked at the bright red cap at the top of the globe and instantly knew what to do, quickly trying to unscrew it.
"Ah, but..." The puppet sighed heavily, "now that our dear creator isn't here. There's nothing to stop me from tearing you apart."
When Yumi finally got the cap off, she shrieked when she was engulfed in a storm of glitter, but tried her best to not drop the snow globe.
"DIE!" The bear growled, charging at the puppet.
When two grown women appeared after the glitter storm cleared, the (h/c) one pointed at Paris, "We're too late!"
Soon the puppet unsheathed a knife from his back, his red eyes glowing menacingly. When the bear was close enough, the dummy's wooden arm swiftly and cleanly slashed the stuffed bears head off. (Y/n) looking wide-eyed at the sight, her (s/c) hands over her agape mouth. Vivianna was covering Yumi's eyes, her own face filled with shock.
When the head landed, that's when Vivianna slowly retracted her hand away from the child's eyes.
"I didn't get to introduce myself, did I," the puppet's tone was now composed and even, "My name is Paris, Paris the puppet. And I was made in the year of 1932-"

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now