Twin Telepathy

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    “Yumi? What are you doing?” Her grandpa asked.
    She currently had her hand on a mirror, staring at it intensely with her light-purple eyes, “How...How are mirrors made, Grandpa?”
    He hummed thoughtfully before answering and his red-looking eyes looking to the side as though trying to recall a memory, “It’s just glass and silver...maybe aluminum? Then powder and paint” He replied.
    “Hmm,” Yumi mumbled lightly and looked back at her reflection, “Well...what do you think the opposite of mirrors would be?”
    “Isn’t that obvious?” Her grandpa’s voice was no longer gentle or warm, his hand on her shoulder was now gripping it tightly.
    “To consume what it should reflect.” The sinister voice purred.
    In the reflection, it no longer showed her kind grandfather but an overgrown clown marionette. Before she could do or say anything…
    The mirror shattered.
    Yumi sat up straight, breathing heavily for air and her eyes darting around the room. She could feel that she was laying on a cold surface of some sort, then noticed the rows and rows of endless mirrors that surrounded her. She felt scared and confused, silently staring around the room trying to find something that could help her.
    “Wha-What happened? Wh-Where am I?” She asked aloud.
    Then she could hear soft mumbles and groans to her side. Quickly looking over, she felt a bit more relaxed when she Vivianna’s red hair sprawled on the stone ground. Running over to the doll, Yumi kneeled next to the unconscious doll and began to shake her gently, and whispering her name.
    “Five more...minutes...Ivan.” Vivianna mumbled, slapping Yumi’s hand away.
    “Vivianna! Please wake up!” Yumi begged, now shaking the doll a bit more violently.
    Instead of waking up, Vivianna continued to sleep talk.
    Yumi kept shaking her until finally, Vivianna’s eyes opened and she sat up. Groaning in pain, she brought a gloved hand to her forehead before turning to the younger girl.
    “Yumi? What’s going-” Then Vivianna was cut off by Yumi wrapping her arms around her.
    Confused but still concerned, Vivianna wrapped her arms around the little girl and allowed her tears to soak into her outfit, it’s not like she could feel it anyways. Hushing and cooing the girl, Vivianna was trying to mask her own fear and showed it by shedding silent silver tears.

    “Tsk, Tsk,” Paris tutted.
    (Y/n) stared uncomfortably as the Toy Soldier wriggled underneath Paris’s foot, growling and screeching like a feral animal trying to claw its way to escape.
“How awfully rude of you to sneak up on us like that,” Paris nagged, his knife gripped tightly in his hand, “You’re lucky you only chipped (Y/n)’s arm when you threw her, though I would’ve preferred you didn’t touch her at all.”
Paris looked over his shoulder to look at the doll, “Are you alright, darling?”
The (h/c)-haired female nodded meekly as a silver beam from the snowglobe slithered around her right arm to perfect any blemishes. When the Toy Solider had attacked (Y/n), it failed to notice Paris’s presence and gave Paris the element of surprise. It was a struggle but it didn’t take long for Paris to be victorious.
The Toy Soldier growled viciously,” Rrgh! G-Get off me!”
    It was disturbing for (Y/n) to see a creature, no matter how vile and crude, in pain. She winced when Paris added more pressure onto the solider, making it yelp like a kicked dog. It tried in vain to free itself once more, but it was a fly in a spider’s web.
“Perhaps my memory is fuzzy from being locked up and even though you weren’t such a challenge back then,” Paris’s tone was sharp and dangerous, “I don’t ever remember you being so pathetic, Soldier boy.”
The Soldier only growled angrily in response before taking notice of (Y/n). If he remembered correctly, the scary one had red hair but the foolish one had (h/c) hair. Putting on its best facade it looked into the dolls (e/c) eyes, trying to seem as defenseless as possible.
“H-Help,” It whimpered, “I-It hurts-AH!”
“Don’t you dare use her as a shield, you coward!” Paris snapped and his tone became sharper than the knife in his hand.
A sickening ‘crack’ rang through the air but was drowned out by the Toy Soldier’s pained howl, making (Y/n) flinch. Paris was now glaring fiercely at the demented toy under his foot, a glare that was so severe that (Y/n) was sure it would make Vivianna shiver in fear.
Vivianna, where was she?
(Y/n) then looked around when the glitter began to subside, trying to find her twin sister and Yumi. She wanted to tell Paris that Vivianna hadn’t yet returned with Yumi but the way he was acting frightened her.
Then (Y/n) felt something falling down her cheek, cautiously bringing her hand to her face and wiping her finger gently on her cheek. She put the gloved hand in front of her to see a shimmering tear soaking into the black glove. Then her vision began to change and she was no longer on the roof with Paris anymore but in a room full of mirrors.
“It’s you isn’t it?”
The small and sweet voice echoed in your head, “Yumi?”
“You came for me! I was so lonely!”
More tears began to fall from the dolls (s/c)-colored cheeks as she saw a boy with brown hair and wide green eyes, he looked disheveled and afraid.
“I can’t wait to be you”
The boy’s tone became sinister and reverberating inside (Y/n)’s head. She reached out for a wall to support her as she began to sit down a little, the sound of her sobs gaining the attention of the Toy Soldier and Paris.
That was Vivianna, (Y/n) knew that it was Vivianna. She could never forget the voice of her sister even if she hadn’t heard it during the long years of their imprisonment.
“Vi….Vivi?” The doll sobbed.
“(Y/n), are you okay?” Paris asked, unknowingly lightening the pressure on the Toy Soldier.
The Soldier took advantage of Paris’s hesitation and managed to free itself from under his foot, scrambling to its feet, and began to make a mad dash away from the duo of dolls. (Y/n) wiped away the tears and finally, the roof began to fade back into sight. She saw that Paris was in pursuit of the Toy Soldier and (Y/n) gasped.
“I distracted him.” She thought sadly.
Standing up and dusting herself off, (Y/n) plucked the snowglobe from off of the ground and began to follow after Paris, who had just jumped off the roof. (Y/n) halted, remembering that she was made much more fragile than Paris was and set the snow globe on the edge of the building, twisting off the bright red cap from the glass dome.
Glitter began to pour out of the globe like a heavy waterfall before solidifying into a staircase, (Y/n) stepped onto the staircase carefully to prove it’s integrity, so when she deemed it stable enough she grabbed the snowglobe once more and began to race down the staircase as an attempt to catch up to Paris.
As she ran, she noticed a black tar-like slime on the sidewalk. The same substance that Vivianna found at the house where the boy had been kidnapped. (Y/n) began to notice that it created a trail, she sped up her pace and followed it. Turning a sharp corner, she ran into Paris’s shoulder with how fast she was going.
“Ah!” She screamed, falling to the ground.
Paris held out his hand to help her up, (Y/n)’s (e/c) eyes widened when she saw that in front of the sewer cap was a bright white boot covered in the Toy Soldier’s dark saliva. The same white boot she recalled Yumi had put on before they left the house.
“I-Isn’t that…” (Y/n) trailed off, not daring to finish her sentence.
“It’s Yumi’s.” Paris finished.
Their eyes followed the trail of the Toy Soldier’s drool to find it leading into the sewers, (Y/n) held Paris’s arm tightly in fear as the snow globe’s glitter began to go from shining silver to a faint red.

Paris the Puppet x Reader (The Doll In The Snow Globe)Where stories live. Discover now