chapter -16

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Chay: I would like to join the swimming club...
Kim: Why?
Chay: Because I like that....
Kim: and what about music?
Chay: I like it... But I don't feel like joining music club... I prefer swimming..
Jo: I'm hungry... Let's go and have something...
Macao: okay...
Jo: Would you like to join us P'Kim?
Kim: sure...

(In the cafeteria...)

Jo: Chay.... Can I have some 🥺?
Chay: No...
Jo: just a bite...
Chay: here.....
Jo: Chay is the best..

(Gets angry seeing Chay feeding him)

Kim:🔥🔥Since How long do u guys know eachother??
Macao: I became friends with them last year of hig school...
Jo: We know eachother for a long time... Since junior high I guess...
Nai: Hey! Chay!!

(Someone calls Chay from behind...)

Chay: Hi.. P'Nai
Nai: How have you been?
Chay: good...

(Nai puts his hands around Chay's shoulder...)

Kim: (How dare you touch him? And Chay you don't seem to hate it.... You were so angry when i touched you last time..🔥🔥 right...who am I ?)
Macao:(mocking 😏😏) Chay, won't you introduce us?
Chay: This is Macao, this is Jo they are my friends and this is.... P'Kim
Nai: We know eachother... Right Kim?
Kim: mmm...
Nai: Let me introduce myself... I'm Nai 3rd year Photography student... nice to meet you guys....
Jo: nice to meet you too....
Nai: Chay.. call me if you need anything okay?
Chay: okay...
Nai: byee then...(ruffles Chay's hair)
Chay: P' my hair!!!!(whines😤)
Nai: you look cute... Byee everyone...☺️

(Nai leaves...)

Macao: tell me what's between you two?
Chay: what??
Macao: He likes you....
Chay: I know....
(Kim looks at Chay.. his eyes are filled with fire...)
Jo: huh??
Chay: I asked him a few weeks ago...
Macao: then?
Chay: He admitted that he likes me...
Jo: And what did you say?
Chay: I told him not to waste his time on me...
Jo: He seems to be a really nice guy... Why did you reject him?
Chay: I'm not interested in dating... It's better like this....
Jo: Is it because of your ex?

(Kim gets shocked...)

Macao: You mean his mysterious ex lover? Tell that asshole to go and fuck himself... Tell me who it is.. I'll deal with him...
Chay: No need... It's the past.... It was my fault I was to navie to believe him... I believed he loved me but it was all just my imagination... Just forget it... I don't want to talk about it....
Jo: Fine.... I think Nai is a nice guy... You should try to give him a chance...
Chay: He is a nice guy... I know him for quite some time... But I don't want to hurt him....
Macao: mmm... I agree with you.... So since it's our 1st day... How about we go for a party??
Jo: It sounds nice...
Chay: Sure...
Jo: I know you won't deny it... But don't get hooked up to much both of you... We have classes tomorrow....
Chay: Don't worry...
Macao: We won't be tired after a round... Right Chay?
Chay: 😉

(Kim stares at Chay but Chay doesn't even looks at him for a second.... Hearing all this conversation... Kim is burning inside.... He will go on a rampage... Soon...)

Kim: You guys carry on... I'm leaving... I've some things to deal with...
Macao: okay..

(Kim looks at Chay...but he doesn't even acknowledge him... 💔💔)

(Kim goes back to his apartment.... He goes on a rampage... He throws everything around him and breaks every single piece he gets.... In the end he grabs a photo frame... He looks at the photo and tears started to flow down his cheeks... It's the Photo of him and Chay... Chay is sitting in Kim's lap and Kim is hugging him....)

Kim: 💔🥺(sobbing) This smile.... We I ever get... to see it again? Will you give me this... smile again? Will you... smile at others... like this? Will you... love... someone else?? Chay... I... I Miss you... I miss you so damn much... Please come back to me.....💔 It took me time but I realised my feelings towards you... Please Chay.... Will you give me a Chance??? Please.... I... I LOVE YOU CHAY..... Please.....🥺💔💔💔

(Kim breaks down and cries while sitting on the floor....)

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