chapter -21

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(next day at a cafe)

Pie: I'm really happy that you asked me out on a date Kim....
Kim: I have something to tell you Pie....
Pie: What is it?
Kim: I have someone I like.... So..

(Before he could finish)

Pie: So u want to break up with me?
Kim: mm..
Pie: I won't agree...
Kim: I said what I needed..the rest is up to u..... But let me tell you I'll never love someone else other than him....
Pie: him? It's a guy?

(Kim doesn't reply and leaves....)

Pie: No Kim u can't do this to me... Everyone knows we r dating... I won't let any bitch take what's mine....

(Since then Pie started observing Kim to know who that guy is... Kim visits the Architecture department most of the time.... One day....)

Chay: Mac can I ask u something?
Macao: yeh....
Chay: R u for real? P'Arm?
Macao: Yeh... I really like him...
Chay: What about your brother?
Macao: P'Pete will surely support me but Hia... I don't know....
Chay: What about you? When r you going to confess?
Jo: Me... Soon.... I asked him about tonight....
Chay: All the best.... Just let me know if you need anything... Okay?
Jo: Sure....
Macao: What about you? Aren't you going find someone? We r going to be 2nd years soon... Don't u want someone?
Chay: No need I'm happy by myself...
MC: hey guys....
Jo: Hi P'..... Hi.. P'Kim...
Macao: Have a seat....

(MC sits near Jo and Kim sits near Chay...Nai came to them..)

Nai: Hi guys..
MC: Hi Nai......
Nai: Chay... Can I talk to u fro a second?
Chay: Sure...

(Nai and Chay move to a corner.... Both of them are talking and Chay puts his hand on Nai's shoulder both of them are laughing and Nai is blushing so hard and he hugs Chay.... Chay returns the hug..... Nai then waves everyone good bye and leaves.....)

Macao: What was it about? Did u finally accept him?
Chay: Noisy...
Jo: Tell us... Come on....
Chay: Secret!!!
Jo&Macao: You!! (Pouts..)

(Suddenly Kim gets up from his seat and drags Chay with him...)

MC: ....Oh... Right.... He needed to talk with Chay about something.... Let them talk😅😅😅😅

(Macao and Jo looks at each other in suspicion....)

(Meanwhile... Kim takes Chay to a corner and slams him into the wall...)

Chay: what the heck r u doing 😡?
Kim: What is it between u and him😡?
Chay: How many time do I have to tell u... It's none of your god damn buisness...😡😡😡😡

(Kim cools down and leans his head on Chay's shoulder)

Kim: Chay.... Please.... Stay away from others.... I can't take it..... Please don't do this to me..... I really like you and I can't stand seeing others being close to you...
Chay: Who are you to say these to me? I told u stay away from me.... Don't make me lose my patience.....

(Chay gets a call....)

Chay: (on call) Oky... I'll there.....

(Chay pushes Kim away from him and leaves... Kim punches on the wall venting his anger..)

(Chay bids everyone goodbye and leaves and goes to a private Resturant near beach....)

(Balcony inside the restaurant...)

Chay: Why did you ask me out... P'No(Tankun)?...
Tankun: I need to talk to you about something.......

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