chapter 2. Fuck you.

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My dad said he wanted to talk to me on Christmas day but he didn't and it's now the second week of the new year and college has started again.

I rushed into the bathroom I took my shower brushed my teeth and do my hair for the day. I walk into my bedroom and put on my black skinny jeans and a black crop top with my booths.

My phone pings so I go to pick it up and it's unknown don. I opened the snap and it's a photo of a deck and it's says "I hope your alright principessa."

I take a photo of my outfit and replied back "I'm good thank you getting ready for college."

I run down the stairs and into the kitchen. I pulled my coffee into flask mug so I could take it school. To my surprise my hair got pulled I looked back and it was by dad why now.? why couldn't he just leave me alone.?

"We are talking when you get home you hoe." He says while pulling my hair.

Dom, Kaeya and Sangonomiya walks into the kitchen and my dad still got my hair. Kaeya looks at my dad and he lets go of my hair.

Sangonomiya comes running up to me and pulls me into a hug and walks me out of the house.

She unlocks her car and puts me into the seat and she runs to the driving seat and pulls out the drive way.

"You can't live like this Ganyu it's not healthy what if he does more then that again and what if you don't make it.?"

"I know but what can I do? I'm scared what if he try's to put me back into the hospital.? because lets be real mom don't even give a flying fuck what he's doing to me and Dom can't get in the way. He doesn't even touch Dom at all. Well before you lot came in he told me he wants to talk to me after college."

"I'm scared for you, Lets get some ice-cream before college okay." She says while pulling into the drive way for the ice cream shop.

We get out of the car and walked into the ice cream shop. We walk up to the till and placed are order I went for mint chocolate chip ice cream and Sangonmiya went for Reese's Peanut Butter Ice Cream.


we get into college and the boys are already at my locker. Dom looked pissed off to the max and Kaeya was on his phone texting someone. Tobias came up to us and pulled Kaeya to the side to talk to him away from us. people are saying that they are brothers but fuck knows.

I looked at the 2 boys and then at Dom. He looks mad and I don't even know why. The bell rang for us to go to are lesson but Tobias pulled me to him and looked me over for some odd reason.

"Yes Tobias what can I do for you.?" I say while looking at him.

"Did he fucking touch you again.!"

"Yes, but he only pulled my hair thank fuck these three walked in before he could do anything else."

He pulls me into a hug and lets go of me and walks out of college. I looked at my bestfriend and then the other to.

"Right let's get this day over with should we." Dom says while walking in front of us.

"Hay, do you like Tobias?" Sangonomiya asked.

"What no why.?"

"You know his Kaeya brother right."

"Hmm. I didn't even know that I heard people say it but didn't even listen to it. I like him as a friend but nothing more why do you like him.?"

"Like him please I fancy the shit out of him. I just don't have the balls to ask him out on a date. I could ask Kaeya if he's single and then ask him out on a date." she says.

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