chapter one. why me.

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It's the night before Christmas.

Everyone is getting ready to go to a ball as my brother best mate family has invited us all to it.

Now I would be lying if I said I wanna go because trust me I really don't wanna go. I would rather spend my Christmas eve inside my room watching Netflix or having a nice buddle bath or even better playing the x-box. but no I have to get ready for a stupid ball I don't wanna go to.

I guess it's alright as my best friend Sangonomiya Rose is coming with us so at least I wont be by myself all night.

I was walking to my bathroom when my phone began to pin. I walk to my bed and picked up the phone and saw it was a friend request on snapchat. I unlocked my phone and looked who just added me and it was some unknown don I accepted the friend request and throw my phone back onto my bed.

I went to get ready again but my phone was pinged again I picked my phone back up and it's a snapchat from unknow don.

I opened the snap message.

unknown don- Hi

should I reply back or should I leave it on read.

Another message came thought.

Unknown don- Sorry for the random add I guess.

Me- It's alright sorry I will talk later I guess I need to get ready, have a good night.

Unknown don- Merry Christmas.

I put my phone onto my bed and headed to the bathroom I turned on the shower and got in I began to wash my hair and then my body with mint shower gel. once I was done with my shower I made my way to the bathroom mirror and began to dry my hair.

I walked into my bedroom and put on my red wine dress.

I got Sangonomiya Rose to take a photo of my dress so I could post it onto my snapchat

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I got Sangonomiya Rose to take a photo of my dress so I could post it onto my snapchat.

"You look sexy as hell Ganyu" Sangonomiya says while smiling.

My phone pinged again another message came thought so I opened it so it him or someone else wanking their cock off.

Me- Ew what the fuck do you think your doing.?, Dose it look like I need to see that shit??

"Hay Sangonomiya can you add this person on snapchat for me.?"

"Sure what's the name and I will add them."

"Unknown don" I say to her.


"Girls come on or we going to be fucking late." My dad screamed out.


We get to the ball and wow it was amazing everyone dressed up in suits and everything else my brother and Kaeya have gone off same as my dad and mom. leaving me and Sangonmiya on are own.

I was looking around the room and my eyes locked on to some guy who looked wow. He was in a black suit he looked likes he's 20 so that means he's 2 years older then us as we are 18 years old.

"Hm Ganyu what ball is this.?"

"I'm not sure why.?"

" Well some of these look like mobster and mafias."

I took my eyes off the unknown guy and looked at my best friend gone out. Why the fuck would she say that when we don't even know anyone in a gang or anything.

My brother and Kaeya came over with the guy I was just looking at.

"Hi sis this is Tobias. and Tobias this is my sister Ganyu."

I looked at Tobias and fuck he looks perfect.

He puts his hand out for me to shake so I do the same and I would be lying if I said he didn't give me butterfly because he did. "Nice to meet you principessa." he says while still holding onto my hand.


We walk up to are mom and dad and my dad gives me a look like he always dose when he hits me.

Ya me and my dad never got along his either always drunk or he's pulling me down he always hits me and calls me names but you know what is fucked up is that he would rather sell me to random people then love me.

My dad always put to me and grabs me by my arms and takes me to the back of the ball. He looks at me like I'm some kind of hoe he looks around to see if anyone is looking and slaps me around the face.

"We are talking when we get back you hoe." He says while turning around and walking away.

I looked around the ball with tears in my eyes and my eyes landed on Tobias and Kaeya they obviously saw what my dad just did.

I walked out the ball to get some air and try to clam my tears that are coming down my face. My bestfriend came running up to me and pulling me into a hug she knows everything what he dose and what he has done to me.

"Are you okay Ganyu?"She asked while hugging me.

I was about to reply but someone came to us and grabbed me by my arm and pulled me into them.

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