Chapter 6 - Ace Heinz

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They ran Ace to the ambulance and closed the door behind them, I feel numb I don't even know what to feel right now, all I know he was the right person for me but we didn't have enough time together.

I picked up my gun and started shooting the rivals. I walked behind one of them and slit his throat. I pulled another smoke bomb and starting killing again, once the smoke was clear all the rivals gang was dead. I looked around to see if the ambulance was still here but it wasn't. I cant believe he's gone.

I walked over to the boys and they all looked at me soon after Sangonomiya came over to us with blood over her face.

"What the fuck are you both doing here! You both could of got killed." Tobias says.

"I'm a fucking assassin and I'm party of your and ace mafia so shut the fuck up." I screamed at him I turned around and started walking to Sangonomiya car.


We get inside the house and I run upstairs to my room to take a shower to take all the blood off me.

I turned the water on and began to wash my hair then my body, once that was done I got out and put on my grey joggers and a black top.

I go downstairs and walked into the kitchen to see that's Tobias is on the phone.

"Ya alright I be there in a min." He says while putting the phone down.

"What did the hospital say.?" Kaeya speaks up.

"He's in ICU in a coma."

My heart dropped to my stomach he's alive but in a coma, I need to see him.

"What we waiting for let's go." I say to them.


We get to the hospital and we asked a nurse where the ICU is so she took us their.

We walked into the room they are keeping Ace, the room feels cold. I walked over to him and placed my warm hand into his cold hand.

"You need to wake up Ace come back to us we didn't get a chance to finish off what you started please come back to me." I say whiles tears are coming out of my eyes.

"You know he wasn't so stupid until he met you?, He never liked anyone as much as he liked you from the day he 1st saw you at college he wouldn't shut up about you. he didn't wanna ask you out because he's a mafia boss and it would make him weak but I might as well tell you because we don't know if he would make it." Tobias tells me while walking to the other side of Ace.

I looked up at Tobias and all I could feel is guilt why did he have to take his bullet proof vest off.? How stupid could he be, I kissed him on the head and moved away so Dom and Kaeya could talk to him.

"Ace Heinz my brother from another mother you shouldn't be in this fucking bed you should be out fucking bitches. why just fucking why did you have to take your vest off.? You're so fucking stupid and now look where its good you, fuck man you better pull thought or I will kill you myself." Kaeya says.

They all went out the room to get us food as I told them I'm not going home so none of us are leaving Ace well I know I ain't. I walked back over to his side and grabbed hold of his hand.

"I'm hoping you can hear me wake the fuck up ACE! You can't tell me you like me and then go into a fucking coma! Why did you have to take the vest off why! Wake up for me please if theirs hope for us hold on to that and make your way back to me do you understand."

I feel like he cant hear me like I'm just wasting my breath, I thought I could never like anyone but Ace is different he makes me feel some kind of way.


The boys come back with McDonalds they got me a chicken nuggets meal with strawberries milkshake.

After we finished eating we heard Ace machine go deeeeeeep, The nurse and 2 doctors came rushing into the room and they pleased a big red button on the wall. "You lot need to come out the room NOW" the nurse tell us before pushing us out.




"Ace please wake up please!" I screamed.

I feel numb I collapsed onto the floor crying my heart out Tobias picks me up and pulls me into a hug." It's going to be alright little one." He says while carrying me out the room.

He placed me down onto the chair in the waiting room, he kissed the top of my head and started walking around the room.

"D-do you think he's dead.?" Dom asked.

"Don't fucking say that."

"Maybe I'm the problem."

They all turned to and looked at me gone out.

"What the fuck do you mean Ganyu." Kaeya says..

"H-he wouldn't be in here if he didn't take off his fucking bulletproof vest because I forgot mine."

"You cant fucking say that GANYU you just cant, Ace obviously took it off because he wanted you safe I would of done it for you as well if I saw and I'm sure everyone else would so no your not the fucking problem."

After a whole minute the doctor came out of Ace room and walked to us.

"First of all he didn't die on us, one of the wires came lose so I'm sorry about that you can go and see him now." The doctor tells us.

We walked back into the room I walked over to his bed and sat on the chair and grabbed hold of his hand.

"Really Ace you given us all a fucking heart attack you better wake up now."

"Fucking Ace Heinz."

That was the last thing I heard when Sleep took over me.

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