Chapter 17 - Shit!

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It's been 2 weeks and I've been feeling really ill I've not came on my period yet so I'm late. I get out of the bed and ran towards the bathroom as I feel sick.

After throwing up my hole Stomach I starting to brush my teeth then I went over to the shower and turned it on.


Ace has gone to a meeting so I though it would be a good idea to get a pregnant test from the shopping center.

"Bestie come on we need to go shopping." I tell her whiles pulling her arm.

"Why.?" She asked me.

"I think I'm pregnant." I tell her.

Before we went to the car I ran into the kitchen so I could get some water.


We get back from the shopping center with 2 pregnant test. We went into mine and Ace bathroom to take them.

After waiting around for 10 minute. I picked up the tests.


"What Ganyu what dose it say.?"

"I'm pregnant!" My hands began to shake. What would Ace say when he finds out I'm pregnant.?

We went downstairs and the gang walked in the house with blood over them.

I ran towards Ace and my heart dropped.

"Is that blood.?" I asked him.

"Don't worry princess it's not mine."

"That's supposed to reassure me.!?!"

He pulls me into a hug and walked me to the sofa he pulled me onto his lap and sleep took over me.


I was waking up from my sleep and I could hear Ace talking about a mission they are going on tomorrow. I open my eye's and everyone is in the room.

I looked up at Ace and he smiled at me then the smile went. "I've given you my heart Ganyu please don't break it." He says to me whiles kissing my head. Where the fuck is all this coming from.?

"I will never break your heart Ace your my Ace Heinz forever and always." I tell him.


We all are in a mission and I didn't tell Ace about me being pregnant yet. as me and James reached the door that leads us to were the assassination team is located and we barged in.

everything was silent. it was full of tension. We made our way forward following the closest hint of sound. We found a door that had stairs leading somewhere up.

"Should we risk it.?" I asked James he shrugged, so we went up the stairs.

We slowly heard commotion. We saw a door and we pushed it open slowly revealing Ace and Jim face to face with each other, Whiles all of Jim men were dead, many of our men was too but no one alive was in the room but Ace and Jim.

We entered the room with our guns held up ready to attack. As we made our presence notable Ace and Jim turned to us.

I saw the pain in Ace eyes when he looked at me he didn't want me in this room at all but I can't let him die as Tobias is with the others.

"Oh sunshine! Come to see the show.?" Jim asked.

"No not really and stop with the sunshine shit.!"

Ace chuckled "She here to see you die and watch the soul come out you're souless body.!"

Suddenly Kaeya comes in the room.

"Kaeya, you came on time." We stood behind Ace.

"Sorry to cut this shit short, but we have business to discuss were was we.?" Jim asked Sarcastically.

"We are at the part were I kill you." Ace said as they both drew their guns out.

The door was open again and Jim's men came through it. We immediately started shooting their way.

We heard a scream and we turned around to see James has been injured.

"JAMES!" I screamed as I dropped down beside him and tried to stop the blood from getting out, I quickly ran towards Kaeya to grab his belt to stop the blood from flowing out.

I run back towards James. "I'm going to be fine Ganyu Calm down." He groaned in pain.

I got up and threw my dagger at the man who shot James on his shoulder.

"Bitch." I sneered at him as he dropped to the ground in pain. I was about to shot him in the head but Ace shot him dead at this point in life I have seen so much blood I don't feel sick from seeing it.

Ace aimed his gun at Jim and caught him off guard by shooting him in the leg making him drop down on the floor.

"That's for taking my queen." Ace then shot him again in his stomach and Jim Fell more to the floor. he then shot Jim in the forehead.

"Kaeya take James back, our job is complete." Kaeya picked up James and they headed outside the door.

"It's over Ace." I rushed to hug him.

"No It's not pretty girl." A voice behind me spoke.

I heard a shot ring through the air.

My eyes landed on a old man standing in front of the door of the room we was in.

I turned to Ace to ask what to do as he's the boss.

But Ace suddenly dropped to the floor and held his hand over his stomach.

"ACE! NO!" I rushed up to him and held his hand. I put his head in my lap.

"Ace no please baby hold on. I'm going to call Tobias for help." Tears were steaming down my face as I took out my phone and started dialing Tobias number.

"I'm fine princes." I shook my head as he tried to tell me everything was okay and that he wasn't dying.

I looked up at the old man behind me and instantly grabbed my gun and shot him dead.

"I love you princess." He says whiles he clutched his stomach from the pain.

"Ace, hold on you cant leave me, not now not ever remember what you said you wanted us to spend the rest of our lives together." I wrapped his stomach with my top.

"I'm sorry princess I love you until infinity, I'm going to be fine princess no matter what happens you'll always will be mine." He looked into my eyes.

"Please, don't leave me Ace!" I caressed his face and kissed him.

"Not in a million years Ganyu."

"Princess, thank you for everything you've done." He closed his eyes slowly.

"No Ace don't leave me, don't give up please, I'm the one who supposed to thank you for my happiness for helping me." I cried as I ran my hand through his hair.

"I love you princess. I will never leave you."

"I love you." I rested my head on his forehead as he laid flat on his back with our hands intertwined

"I love you to the moon and back my Ace Heinz." I said as he closed his eyes completely and I couldn't feel his heart beat or breath.

His body laid limp before my eyes, he didn't even breath in or out I just lost the love of my life. I lost the person whos the dad to my kid.

I lost my other half of my soul.


"You didn't keep you're promise Ace what am I going to tell our baby when it's born.? You lied to me you're a liar ACE!" I sobbed into his chest.

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