Chapter 10 Save me soon.

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It's been a month, a month since I've been kidnapped are they even looking for me.? Should I give up because that's what I feel like doing, I feel weak as hell.

I don't even know what time or day it is because I've been locked in this basement for a whole fucking month. I've been tortured and they don't even feed me everyday I get bread every other day but I get water everyday as an old lady brings it in.

I miss Ace and everyone else why did I think it was a good idea to go on my own when I could take someone with me now look where it's got me.


I was closing my eyes when the door came flying open and I know its time to be tortured again. I just want this to stop I really do my legs are bloody with cuts everywhere, I'm weak I cant even stand up to move my body because I can't.

2 men comes into the room and stands next to me one grabs me by my hair and throws me onto a chair and puts rope around my body.

"Okay we will try this again." He says while walking to the table with knifes on it.

"Fuck you." I spit out.

"Now, now pup tell me about Ace Heinz mafia and I will let you go."

"I don't know an Ace Heinz or a mafia with him in." I tell them lying thought my teeth. I know he hurt me but I'm not going to give them information about his mafia. I'm loyal as fuck plus it's my mafia as well.

I took a deep breath to hold in the tears that wants to come out. I shouldn't cry when I'm the one who fucked up. I need them to save me soon because I don't think I will make it the only thing what is keeping me going is Ace and all of them finding me soon.

"Now Ganyu your a deadly assassin and you don't know Ace.? Seems like your lying to m me." He says while picking up a knife from the table.

He walks over to me with the knife in his hand and runs it along my face over my neck all the way down to the top of my leg and stabbed it in my leg.


I wanted to kill them I wanted to run away but I can't these men have cut up my body that bad it hurts. plus I'm in their basement.

"Tell me Ganyu."

"I've told you for a month I don't know an Ace Heinz, I don't even know any fucking mafia but oh wait,Your a mafia don but only little bitch boys put cloths over girls faces." I tell him.

SLAP! "Shut up you prostitute unless you want me to rape you.! So I suggest you shut your ass up."

Did he really just say that.? The flash back from the 1st time that nearly happened came to my mind. my eyes began to close as all I can see is darkness.


I woken up to the sound of the door opening and in walks the old lady, she placed the food and water onto the table and a bowl and walks over to me.

She lefts up my dress and then brings the bowl over she placed it onto the floor, I looked at the bowl and their was a sponge and soap and water inside the bowl.

She dips the sponge into the water and looks at me with a sad smile. "I'm sorry this will hurt." She says while placing the sponge onto my slit legs.

"Ouch it hurts." I cried out.

"I'm sorry."

She pulls out her phone and hands it to me, I looked up at her thinking if I should or not. "Ring who you need to get you out of here but hurry." She tells me.

I dialled Sangonomiya number into her phone and she picks up on the third ring.

Phone Call.📱

S - Hello who's this.?

G - I- it's me.

S - Ganyu.?

G - Y - Ya track my chip we put in my body and hurry up because I don't feel like I can make it any longer.

S - Shit Ganyu I forgot about that I will track it now everyone is going out their minds and Ace isn't doing well.

G - Just hurry up Sangonomiya I have to go.

S - I love you Ganyu.

G - I love you to.

Phone call ends. 📱

I put the phone down and given the old lady her phone back. "Thank you so much." I tell her she gives me a smile and walks to the table picking up the food.

I looked at the food and it's not bread its noodles and chicken nuggets some real food, i looked up at her again and I given her a weak smile.

"I-i cant move my arms." I tell her she smiled and began feeding me.

After she feed me she untied the rope and pulls me into a hug. "I hope they find you soon." She whispers into my ear. "Me to." I tell her while hugging her back.

She walked me to the bed and hands me my glass of water after taking it all down I laid into the bed feeling full and nub all I want to do is be in my own bed I miss my friends and my brother and him.

After the lady walks out the door and locking it behind her darkness took over me.

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