Chapter 20 I do.

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I woke up really early to start getting ready for the big day with Sangonomiya, I was currently out the shower waiting for her to finish hers. Ace and the rest of the boys left at 5am in the morning to make sure everything is ready and nothing was wrong. so I didn't get to see him last night either.

"Ganyu,?" Rose knocked on the bedroom door.

"Come in." She did then sat on the chair facing the mirror.

"The reception is going to be at 12pm, so we have 3 hours to get you ready."

"Okay queen, you ready to do this.?" Sangonomiya asked me.

"Okay then lets start the magic.!" I yelled at the girls so Rose started doing my hair.


39 minutes later my make up was complete. "Rose this is amazing thank you." I hugged her.

"Thank you Ganyu, my job here is done now I have to see how the men are getting on." She started laughing and walked out the door.

"OMG GANYU YOU LOOK CUTE!" My bestie screamed.

"So do you! I love your dress."

"Thank you, I'm going to do my hair."


2 hours later my entire look was completed. I looked into the mirror and I feel like a princess.

"You look like a queen Ace is so lucky to have you."

"Girl's we need to go down Tobias just texted saying they are here."

"You ready to go down the alter, you look hot Ace is going to be on his knees when he sees you." Tobias smiles at me.

I looked outside and the most important man in my life is standing at the altar looking amazing as always. He looks so powerful standing there with James , Dom , Kaeya and Tobias.

All the mafia leaders and their girlfriends are sitting down with Ace family.

"Ganyu its time." my brother runs in. I nodded as we headed towards the door.


The officiant started speaking "Good evening everyone." He greeted and everyone.

He started the ceremony "From this place, we take ourselves out of the usual routines of our daily lives to witness a unique moment in the lives of Ace and Ganyu today they join their lives in the union of marriage." Our mafia members and the mafia leaders all stood up and cheered.

"I now ask you to declare your marriage vows, please face each other and hold hands."

ace takes my hands into his, I looked into his eyes as he smiled softy, he rubbed my hand in circles using his thumb to ease of my anxiety.

The officiant faced Ace "Groom, please repeat after me"

"I Ace take you Ganyu to be my wife. I will share my life with yours and build our dreams together, support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness I promise to give you respect, love and loyalty." He says.

"I Ganyu, take you Ace to be my husband. I will share my life with yours, build our dream together, support you through times of trouble and rejoice with you in time of happiness. I promise to give you respect, love and loyalty.

"Your wedding rings are the outward and visible sign of the invisible bond which already unites your two hearts in love. Groom place the ring on the brides finger and say a word if you would like."

Ace puts the ring onto my finger and says. "I give you this ring. wear it with love and joy as this ring has no end, my love is forever."

"Bride, place the ring on the Groom finger." I place the ring onto Ace finger "I give you this ring to wear it with love and joy as this ring has no end my love is also forever."

I smiled at Ace and whispered into his ear. "You better not lose the ring."

"What do you take me for princess." He smirked at me.

"I love you Ace."

"I love you to Mrs Heinz."

I don't know why but being Mrs Heinz sounds so powerful. I kissed him again savoring his sweet taste.


After a long day of talking with people and just having fun it was time to have a shower.

I turned on the shower and got in I washed my body and turned off the shower.

I sat on the edge of the bed looking up at the ceiling when Ace came out of the shower. I looked up at him and smiled. he sat beside me on the edge of the bed with only his towel as the water dripped on the bed.

"Ace you do know your dripping water on the bed right.?" I laughed at his zooned out state.

"I know princess, cant I just seat on the bed and look at my wife.?"

He looked at me and smirked, he put his hand around my neck and pulled my face closer to his, we are inches apart and I could feel his peppermint smell he placed his lips onto mine and kissed me.

Without pulling away or removing his lips off mine he flipped me making me lay on my back down on the bed as he hovered on top of me.

He looked at me with so much lust. I knew what he wanted and I nodded my head.

"Are you ready princess.?" he asked.

"I'm sure Ace."

"Your my everything, My Mrs Heinz."

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