Chapter 16 - I'm sorry not.

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It's been over 24 hours since I've saw Ace and everyone else. Callum in the meeting toom with my bestie looking at the cameras for the mission and I've just moved my last things into Ace bedroom well now our room.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen grabbing myself a cup of coffee and headed towards the meeting room.

I sit down in the middle of both of them and looked at the cameras.

"Ace someone on your right." Callum yelled out.

I wanted to go with them and so did Sangonomiya but none of them let us. it's like a blood bath out there. I get off my seat and walked towards the cupboard with the bulletproof vest's and the guns. I pull off my top and I put on the bulletproof vest and my normal top over it, I walked back over to them and throw one at Sangonomiya. "Get it on we going to help them." I tell her.

Callum and Sangonomiya both looked at me gone out like I was joking or some kind of shit.

"You can't Ganyu Ace would kill me for letting you go." Callum says.

"I can and I will simple as. If they want Ace and Tobias they have to go through me." I tell him while loading up my guns.


We pull up to the Location where our gangs are, I get out of the car and walked towards the door.

"You know his going to kill us right." She tells me while walking into the house.

"Hell ya I know." I laughed out.

We walk into the room and all guns are aimed at me bullets flying everywhere Ace and Tobias see us and ran over to us and shield us with their bodies.

"What the fuck are you both doing here.!" They both yelled at the same time. Are they stupid or something because right now is not the time to get yelled at.

I took in a deep breath and grabbed Ace hand "I can't lose you Ace if you die I'm dying with you." I say as I'm pulling him into me.

"This is not a good time to get a boner!" Ace laughs out.

I pulled out my gun whiles someone came running and shooting at Ace so I jumped in front of him.

"GANYU NOOOO!" All three of them yelled.

They couldn't see my bulletproof vest. I laughed and turned around slapping the gun out of the man hand and shooting him in the face.

"Swear down princess wait until we are home.!" Ace yelled.


Everyone is dead and now we are making our way back to the house. I'm tried from doing that one gang down more to go.

We get into the house and Ace pulls me into the meeting room once we are in the room he doesn't shut the door behind us he pins me against the wall and rips of my pants.

"Ace you didn't shut the door. "I tell him.

"So would you like me to shout everyone.? So they could watch you cum." He tells me whiles placing his fingers onto my clit.

Without a word he throws me down onto the table unexpectedly a small shrike came up from my throat. He kneels above me, my eyes glancing up at him while he puts his legs closer to me.

I smile and close my eyes as Ace dips his head down my stomach peppering kisses along my skin. "Your are a fucking sight and I love it." He says.

His teeth nips at my skin around my thong he presses his hands to my leg and pushes them back lowering his lips to kiss my core out side of my thong.

Wetness building up between my legs already I needed his cock or just something in me before I exploded. "I'm too horny to play this game Ace." I moan out.

He smiles before his lips are full force onto mine. I close my eyes and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck pulling him to my body.

He slides his fingers into me and his teeth claimed my bottom lip.

"You want me to fuck you hard like before huh.?" He growls against my mouth.

I nob instantly. too desperate to care Ace smirks against me.

He pushes my thong out the way and strokes his long fingers up and down my wet slit.

"Fuck." I curse out.

Ace kisses my jaw softly, he pumps his fingers in and out of me feeling my pussy wall latch onto his thick fingers.

He started to pick up his pace I cry out in pleasure feeling myself build up from my orgasm.

"Ace I'm going to." and before I know it my body was shanking.

"Good princess." He grows out he takes his fingers out of me and began sucking on them. "You taste sweet princess."

My hands rush to pull off his boxes and already his cock was hard and dripping with pre-cum. I smirked down to him and lower my hand to start massaging his head.

Ace lips part and he heaves out a breath before throwing his head back. "Fuck." He curse as I stroke his length with my hand.

"Have you missed this.?" I whispered.

"Fuck yes." He moans.

I smirk as I speed up, brushing my thumb over his head.

His stomach clenches and he releases a deep grunt. He sure dose sound sexy when he's having a good time.

I gently released his cock and climb on him. Ace hands finding their way to my waist as I push my underwear the way and lowered down onto him the top presses between my lips and with one move of Ace he was deep inside me.

"Fuck." He moans out whiles I completely lower onto his throbbing cock.

His fingers dig into my skin I raise my hips and slowly began to ride him. A deep look of lust strikes from his expression he grabs one of my breast and punches down on my nipple. I moan out in ecstasy and looked at the ceiling clenching my eyes as he massage my nipple as I continue to bounce on his cock.

"Fuck yes." I pant out pressing my hands to the centre of his chest to give myself a better angle to grind down on him.

Our breathless moans fills the air and I'm pretty sure people can hear us.

He pins one of my knees to the table spreading me completely as his cock dives deeper inside me, my eyes roll into the back of my head as he dips his head down to my lips.

I could feel myself build.

"Come on baby cum all over my cock." He moans out.

As my orgasm ripples through every bit of my body my mouth let's out a loud moan my body began shaking from the orgasm. His hip speeding up as he slams his cock inside of me.

"Fuck Ganyu." He shakes.

"Oh fuck shit I'm going to cum." He declares before his hips buckle and a growls leaves his mouth.

After he cum inside of me I dropped my head onto his chest.

We heard clapping coming from behind us I looked over to the door to see Kaeya, Tobias and My bestie all looking at us.

"Thanks for the free porn now I have to wank myself off." Kaeya says whiles waving at us.

"Not bad but really the fucking table." Tobias says.

I started to laugh and Ace kisses the top of my head.

"You lot fuck off before you see my cock." Ace says to them whiles pulling out of me.

"Let's go to bed princess." I grab my top throwing it on and walked out the meeting room and made our way to our room.

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