Chapter 23 Tell Him I'm sorry.!

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The door comes flying open and Callum and Ganyu comes running in. I looked at them both and so dose James.

Why did they come down here.? I told her to stay safe not come into a room where theirs cross firer.

I walked towards Ganyu and pulled her into me. Ace would kill us all if something happens to her. And I would rather not die from the hands of my best-friend.

"Please don't let me go Tobias." She says while holding onto me for her life.

"I wont let anything happen to you I promise." I tell her.

"I'm 7 months pregnant Tobias and I haven't told Ace yet. I'm waiting for Christmas." She tells me.

She 7 months up the dove and no one knows and we brought her to a mission "Fuck!, You should of told Ace.!" I yelled at her. I looked at James and Callum and they was already looking at me.

I looked at the other mafia boss and already he's looking at her. "Can someone take her out the fucking room she fucking pregnant.!" I yell. I looked at the man we was going to kill but he already had a big smirk on his face.

"Sure she can go." He tells us Callum was walking towards the door with Ganyu.

Another gun shot ran through the air, but it was close to us. James shot the man dead. I looked around trying to find the source of the noise but the person must've of ran and we didn't know who just got shot.

"Tobias.!" Callum called out. I looked over to them and Ganyu suddenly dropped to the ground.

"Ganyu.!" We all screamed. We fell down beside her on the ground.

"Ring Ace now.!" I yelled.

Callum grabbed his phone out of his pocket to ring Ace but he wasn't picking up at all.

"NO!" James tried to pick her up but he was injured. I think the shock just got to him because he was in the room when it happened.

"It hurts-" She chocked out between sobs.

"Were going to take you back home, your going to be fine come on." I tried to pick her up but my legs gave up. I yelled in pain.

"Save my babies Tobias, I'm dying I can feel it. Tell Ace I'm sorry and tell my three babies I always will love them." She tells me whiles she crying.


"Yes Ace is a dad to these three in my belly Save them okay.? What ever you lot do make sure Ace don't give up on life. Tell him I love him and I will look down on you all."

"The gun shot reached deep." James tells us. She sobbed quietly as we looked at the blood pooling around her on the group.

"No, please don't say that, where gonna get thought this.!" Callum yelled as he clutched her close to him, his tears staining her shoulders.

"I don't want to go either. B-But I've been shot. It's my mine to go." She tuned towards me and James with a sad smile.

tears started rolling down my face and we try getting told of Ace or anyone who was with him." I shook my head in denial as she grabbed my hand tears were streaming down my face.

"Don't cry Tobias none of you cry, I'm going to be fine." She smiled through her pain.

"All three of you take care of Ace and my kids and take care of my bestie I'm the only one she has left. Make sure Sangonomiya gives my babies there names I wanted they are in the box under mine and Ace bed okay."

My heart stopped when I watched Ganyu put her hand onto her belly. Callum up his hand to her chest where the blood was seeping out of. "Tobias." She almost whispered.

"It's time."

I felt like everything stopped just for a little bit. like everything was going in slow motion.

"No." I said, with my face just as white as hers.

"No, No." James muttered as he pulled Ganyu to him.

"You're okay, You'll be okay." I mumbled as my eyes well with more tears. She just looked at me before putting her hand over mine that's was on her chest.

"It's okay." She uttered quietly. "It's okay." she reassuring us.

I picked her up before the building falls on us all.

We was walking out of the building and I placed her onto the floor. "Get the fucking doctor now.!" I yelled out.

"It hurts, I can't." She chocked out blood.

She was closing her eyes slowly. "We love you and So dose Ace." We tell her.

She was struggling to breathe as she began to lose lot more blood.

"Ganyu." We heard yelling coming from behind us. It was Ace and the others running towards us.

"I- I love you Ace I'll be okay.." she nodded as a tear ran down her cheek.

"PLEASE DON'T GO!" Ace sobbed uncontrollably as she lays in his arm dying. "I would stay if I could my king." She smiled slightly as blood was coming out of her mouth. "Save our babies." She whispered stroking away a tear from Ace face.

"I want our forever Princess!" we all began to sob again. This wasn't fair on any of us.

"No, Pleases." Dom yelled.

Her best-friend is begging her to stay but its way out of our control.

"I love you all." She uttered as the life left her eyes and her hands fell from Ace hand. Ace sobbed more as he held her in his arms, covered in her blood he puts his forehead against hers and kissed her lips.

"I can't do this without her he cried." I sobbed frantically and the Doctors came running up to us.

"You need to give her to us so we can save the babies we have to do it now ACE!"

"SHE GONE.!" He shouted he refused to let her go.

"Let her go Ace she wanted us to save the babies."

I pulled Ace into a hug on the ground and we heard a baby cry.

Sangonomiya was holding one and the other 2 doctors was holding one.

Sangonomiya walks up to Ace and hands him a baby girl.

"This little girl is called Paimon." She says while getting the other to.

"This little boy is call Diluc" She hands me the baby boy.

"And this little girl is Klee." She says whiles holding her.

We could see Ace was full of rage. "I won't let anyone hurt any of you I promise. We have each other." Ace says to kid kids.

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