Chapter 3 It is what it is.

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We pull up outside of a massive mansion. The boys all got out the car and made their way inside leaving me in the car still. I get out the car and made my way inside.

Tobias and Ace walks off down the hall leaving me by myself yet again, I guess this person standing in front of me is a maid. I looked around and the house looks really pretty.

"Let me show you, your room." She says while looking me up and down.


We go upstairs and then a left to the end of the hall.

"This is your room, This room is the bathroom and this room is Tobias." She says pointing to the left.

"Why do I have to have a room next to his ffs." I asked her.

"Well for starters this is the only room on this floor that is free. I'm sorry to brake it to you."

I walked into my new room and it's pretty I guess the walls are black and pink theirs a big flat tv on the wall a pc desk in the corner of the room a king size bed as well and the best bit is the walking wardrobe and a bathroom.

I turn around to look at the maid. "Thank you." I say to her.

"Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes so don't be late he don't like waiting." She tells me whiles heading out of my room.

I placed all my bags onto the bed and started to unpack my bags.


I walk into the dinner room and already people are at the table. people was looking at me. I looked around the table and saw that Kaeya and Dom are already sitting down so I make my way over to them.

I sit next to Kaeya and in walks Tobias and Ace.

"Wanna tell me baby while your prostitute is sitting with us.?" One of the girls say while looking at him.

Another girl walks over to him and started kissing his lips so I had to look away.

He takes a seat at the end of the table and so does Ace. I get a ping on my phone so I open the snap.

Unknown don -You could of done that to me you look fine as hell shame the boss might have you.

I placed my phone back into my pocket and I guess this girl wants to start a fucking argument with me.

"So who are you slag. Did boss fuck you and tell you to get food or to fuck off.?" She screamed.

I rolled my eyes at her and trust me this bitch is going to get a piece of my mind if she carry's the fuck on.

"Dam boss you fucked her that much she don't talk. Hey you can fuck me after you know you want to I will give you head." She says while looking at him.

I started to laugh and everyone looked at me guess it's my turn. "Baby girl trust me I would rather slit my own fucking throat then shag your boss lets be fucking real baby girl the might of girls he's had he's obviously flooding with STDS, HIV,Crabs you fukingname it, and for calling me a slag ya lol I'm not the one whos begging this cunt to shag me thanks so take a look at your god dam fucking self. I have resect for myself unlike you and the fucking tramp that's sitting on his lap. Love he don't want you sitting on his fucking lap so get the fuck off it . Now if you don't mind you have completely just made me go off my food. make sure you don't choke on your food."

I get up off my chair and started to walk out the room.

"Are you going to let her talk to us like that!" She screamed at Tobias.

"Ace can you slap her around the face for me I will give you a blow job, It's not like you ain't a don as well." she says.

I turned around to look at them but saw the boys having a smile on their faces.

"You really think your fucking boss will sort me out lol get a grip and for Ace trust me I can get him around my little finger then you can so no." I say.

She walks up to me and takes her dagger out her pocket and slammed me to the wall. "Not so lippy now are you princess." she says while holding the dagger to my throat.

I take my own dagger out of my waistband and stabbed her in the back she dropped her dagger from my neck so I go back over to her and slit her throat open.

I looked at everyone and I could see Tobias is getting vex already. "Next slag thinks she can talk to me like that I would do the same fucking thing to you GOT IT!" I say while smiling.

"H-how have you got a dagger.? How do you know what one fucking is.?" Dom screamed.

My bestfriend walks into the dinner room and laughs. "Because she a fucking deadly assassin my friend she goes by Ghost." My bestfriend said to them all.

"Wait she the one we been looking for boss. she killed one of ours, are we going to kill her.?" One of the lads say.

"What makes you think Tobias can kill me.?"

"How? How didn't we know? So you both are assassins?" My brother asked.

"Yes, I had to act normal because of dad you know what he would of done if he found out." I say.

Tobias looks at me and gets out of his seat he walks over to me and grabs me by my throat and pins me to the wall.

"You hearing me." I tried getting out of his grip but his hand is that tight around my throat I cant even breath.

He lets go and pulls my hair dragging me down the hall. I couldn't cry about it at all because he don't even scared me the only person who did was my dead beat of a dad.

"You killed my girlfriend now your going to fucking pay." He says while throwing me to a wall.

"You don't do girlfriends so shut your mouth Tobias."

"I know but she was going to be she was the love of my fucking life and you killed her right in front of me.!" He screamed.

He picks me up by my hair and slaps and punches me in the face. Then some guy from the dinner room came into the room.

"Boss I got this go and chill." He says to Tobias.

"Alright Jim but don't kill her I will do that." He says while walking out.

Jim walks up to me and pulls my hair grabbing me to the floor. I would of got my dagger and dagger the cunt but Tobias took that with him. He got the rope of the deck and tied my feet and hands up.

He punched me in the stomach and pulls down my joggers and pants and then he dose his.

I'm I really going to get raped? My eyes started to gloss and I started to cry. He pulled down his boxes and spread my legs out.

I screamed so loud. "Help me, Some one help me."

"Shut your fucking mouth no one can hear you." He says while putting his cock near my entrance.

I wanted to make him stop but I cant do anything because he tied me up I feel useless. he's about to rape me and no one is around.

5 people came running into the room pulling him off me.

"What the fuck are you doing!" They screamed.

"You was about to rape her what the fuck!" Another one screamed.

My eyes was closing and all I could hear was BANG! BANG! was I dead?. Who pulled the gun out.?

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