Chapter 12 My girl

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☆ ~Ace ~☆

It's been a week since we got her back a week since she been in this fucking coma and still no sings of her waking up. I haven't been out this room for over a week I'm to scared to, ya I know me scared I'm a mafia don and I'm scared I'm not scared of anything but only losing her.

Since I saw her in college on the first day she was all I could think about who I wanted to see but I know I couldn't because I'm a player I don't do relationships or love I'm just like Tobias but with her I will kill anyone who gets in my way to have her.

When I saw what her dad did to her my blood was boiling but I couldn't act on it because I told myself I wouldn't get too attached but look where that's got me. I'm a fucking mess starting today I'm going to take what's mine and that includes her.

I get off her bed and walked over to her kissing her on the head. I make my way into her bathroom stripping down just in my boxes and turning on the water so I could take a shower. I pulled open her bathroom draws to find some tooth paste but what I saw made me smirk this vibrator will come in handy.

I brushed my teeth and made my way into the shower forgetting to close the bathroom door Tobias walks in the bathroom.

"Oh good you finally out of bed after a week I was about to come here and throw you in the shower myself." Tobias says while laughing.

I started to wash my body and Sangonomiya comes walking into the bedroom.

"Tobias shut the fucking door!" I yell out but no Tobias started to laugh and walks out leaving the door open. its now fucking weird as everyone came to see my girl well it's going to be more awkward because I need to get my clothes from her bed so they all might have an eye full.

I get out of the shower and wrapped one of Ganyu big towels around me. I walked out the bathroom and all eyes was on me.

"Wait fuck Ace knows how to get out of bed." Kaeya laughed.

I walked over to my clothes and walked back into the bathroom to get dressed.


It's around 9.30pm and I'm downstairs talking to Ann the old lady from that house ya that's her name.

I'm going to wait until Ganyu to wake up before seeing what I'm going to do with this old lady.

"Is her bedroom door open.?" Dom asked.

"Ya you can go and see her if you like or you could help in the meeting room.?" I told Dom while making my way out the living room door.

"I will come with you lot."


It's now 10.30pm and the house is quiet no one talking as we all watching the cameras as half of our men are in a mission at the moment.

My mind was over thinking about Ganyu I just wanted to go to her right now and cuddle up to her but I can't.

Time has passed and everyone is now here the mission is now complete. I went over to grab my favourite snack until I hear a scream and my name being called.

"ACE!, Ace."

"She awake."

I dropped my snacks and ran towards Ganyu door. I jumped onto her bed and pulled her into me.

"Fuck princess your awake, Fuck I missed you."

I looked down at her to see her eyes was glossing over. "I miss you to Ace." She tells me.

I pulled her into my lap and kissed her lips I don't care who sees right now she is mine and always will be.

"I love you Ganyu."

"I love you to Ace."

Everyone came into the room and jumped onto the bed pulling me away from her. I was warm but now I've gone cold because she left my arms.

"So what happened.?" Dom asked.

"What happened to you in that room.?" Tobias asked

"Nothing." she says.

"Ganyu please." Sangonomiya yelled.

"It hurts when I remember and I never wanna feel it again." She cried out.

"It's okay princess you can tell us." I tell her.

"They wanted to know about Ace and his mafia but don't worry I didn't give any information away I promise you."

"I believe you." Tobias says to her.

I know she wouldn't because how many cuts she has on her. I trust her.

I came off the bed so everyone could hug and talk to her and I looked over to Tobias and nodded my head towards the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom and placed the vibrator into my pocket.

"What's with the vibrator.?" Tobias asked.

"You see just get ready for tomorrow." I tell him with a smirk on my face.

I walked out the bathroom and my eyes lands on hers tomorrow she will get her punishment.

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