Chapter 9 I will find you.

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☆ ~Ace ~☆

It's been ages since Ganyu has been gone, it's now 10.30pm and she still not here.

I went upstairs to my bedroom to grab my phone and theirs a message.


I ran downstairs to where the boys are and thrown my phone at Tobias.

"Fuck!" He yells out giving me my phone back.

I looked at everyone. "Get everyone in the meeting room now.!" I yelled at Kaeya and Dom.

We run to the meeting room Tobias turns on all the pc's.

"We will get her back Ace trust me." Tobias tells me.

Everyone walks in and sits at the round table. "What's wrong boss.?" One of my men says and in walks Sangonomiya.

"Ganyu has been kidnapped and we are going to find her, I don't care how we do it. We need to rescue her, Reece send out our army, Sangonomiya you and Dom can hack into all the CCTV." I tell them whiles walking up and down the room.

I hear your SOS princess and I will find you.

"And the rest of you gear up we going to look for her." Tobias says.

Me and Tobias gets into his car and went to the Moon club were she was.


Once we got their we ran out the car and headed to the bar.

"Oi have you seen this girl." I asked showing a picture of Ganyu.

"Ya someone called Zak was carrying her out of here, Why what's wrong?" He asked.

"FUCK!" I yelled.

Tobias puts a hand on my shoulder and looks at the bar tender. " She was kidnapped."

We run out the club and made are way back to the car.

"What if we don't find her Tobias then what? I need her and I let her fucking go." I yelled at him.

"Stop yelling Ace clam the fuck down okay you need a clear mind we will get her."


We have been out all night and no sign of her anywhere.

We headed back to the house so Tobias can get some rest. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and the whiskey.

I put ice in the glass and then poured the whiskey into the glass, I made my way to the meeting room and sat at the computer looking at all the CCTV.


It's now some time in the morning and nothing fucking nothing the door comes open and in walks Sangonomiya, Dom , Kaeya and Tobias.



"Hmm." I say still looking at the computer screen.

"Are you alright.?"

"No, no I'm not alright this is just painful, I don't know if this was even worth it pushing her away for what.? I'm fucking sad I'm heartbroken I just want her back!, Why don't we have a fucking lead."

I walk out the meeting room and grabbed my phone out of my pocket and rang Ganyu and it went straight to voicemail.

Voicemail - Hey Ganyu, I miss you so fucking much I'm going crazy without you I heard your SOS and I'm doing everything to find you princess, when I find the bastard I want his head on a silver plate. I'm sorry for pushing you away I was selfish I didn't wanna hurt you but I did anyways, I will send my whole fucking army out to find you just hold tight please.

I put the phone down and my eyes started stinging from the tears that was beginning to well up and that's when I broke the tears was just falling down.

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