Chapter 13 The private beach house.

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We get to the private beach house Ace is on one side of me and Tobias on the other side both are bare chested.

"What are we doing.?" I asked them both.

"It's for your punishment princess." Ace says with a smirk.

Punishment.? I wanted to ask but I thought not to because right now he's happy.

I laid down onto the bed and both of them walks to me Ace started to kiss me first then Tobias began kissing me after Ace.

Was I really going to have a 3sum with these to.? Was this really my punishment.? because I don't see this as a Punishment first time losing my v card and its to these to nice win, win for me.

"Your going to fuck Tobias right in front of me then when I'm ready I'm going to join in do I make myself clear.?" Ace asked.

"What makes you think I'm going to fuck Tobias and then let you join.? If I wanted your right hand man to take my v card I would of asked him myself."

"Fine! We do it this way I will fuck you hard and rough and then me and Tobias will fuck you and you won't be walking for a week."

He walks closer to me and pins me to the bed by my neck and started kissing my neck. He pulls out the vibrator and Tobias rips of my leggings.

Why is this making me wet.? Having both of them at the same time is good but I feel guilty because I only like Ace. Would this change anything.?

He placed the vibrator onto my clit and turned it on. Tobias got one nipple into his mouth and Ace is kissing me hard like his life depended on it.

"Fuck." I moan.

"Cum for me princess." Ace whispered into my ear.

"Ace I-I I'm going to cum." I moan out.

He pulls the vibrator away before I could even have my orgasm. Ace rips my legs open and started to lick up and down my clit he placed to fingers into me and started going fast.


"Don't cum princess its Tobias turn now."

Ace moves so Tobias could have a test "Fuck" I moan. They both feel so good I know they had experience but this is taking it to the next level. He placed his thick fingers into me and started to go in and out fast.

"Tobias!" I yell on the urge of my orgasm.

He looked up at me and smiled pulling his fingers out of me.

"Why?" I cried out.

Ace gets between my legs and started to finger fuck me again but this time even harder. "Cum for me princess." He says while placing his tongue onto my clit.

"Fuck me!" I moan out my orgasm taking over my body.

"Good princess."

"Relax baby." Tobias murmurs.

I looked at Ace and all I could see is hunger in his eyes. He rises slightly to take my nipple in his mouth and I watch him. Gasping out in pleasure my eyes roll back into my head.

Tobias growls and moves to my other nipple, sucking it greedily into his mouth. Ace slips his tongue past my lips and thrusts a hand into my hair, kissing me deep, his tongue stroking sure and probing tasting every corner of my mouth. I moan into his the kiss intoxicating as Tobias mouth covers me.

Ace pulls me on top of him rubbing me along his swollen cock, my clit pulses in awareness the throbbing going from steady thrum to raging as something inside of me. I'm rocking on his throbbing cock my moans are getting more and more and so is Ace moans. "Fuck princess so tight." He moaned out.

"She close." Tobias says his voice dripping lust. with his hand cupping my face, he traces my lip with his thumb before he pushes it into my mouth. I wrap my lips around it, sucking furiously and I bite it when I feel my body start to quake with the onslaught of my orgasm.

Ace spreads me wider, his nose tickling my clit before furiously licking it. I move to toss my head back, and riding his mouth.

Tobias pulls me onto his lap and rips the top of the condom open and I watch as he rolls it down his thick cock. I turned back to Tobias whose eyes are fixed on where he spread me, stretching me rolling my hips I grind into his touch I love the feel of both of them. " I'm going to cum Ganyu." Tobias moans out.

Ace is ready to go again and Tobias lifts me and Ace lines his cock at my entrance eyes locked with Ace. Tobias slowly lowers me onto Aces cock inch by rock hard inch while all three of us watch.

"So fucking hot." Tobias rasps into my ear as Ace clamps onto my hips, while I gasp at the full feel of him. Pussy pulsing the need to move unbearable I started to rock my hips, I moan his name a second before his eyes shoot to mine he thrust up stealing my breath. Ace drives in deep hitching my legs over his hips, fucking me at an animalistic pace.

He lifts my leg as he began to pound into me giving Tobias a clear view. Tobias lowers his gaze and watches Ace fuck the life out of me. Tobias pushes his shorts back down and frees his cock sheathing himself in a condom before taking my lips in a kiss. Ace picks up his pace his cock jerking inside of me, his release close I pull my lips from Tobias I looked at Ace he's gone , so gone, lost in the connection of our bodies my body convulsing with another orgasm my eyes slamming shut my heart pounding out of control Tobias backs away watching Ace thrusts in once twice and then groans deeply with his release.

Ace kissed me for endless seconds before pulling out and away crashing onto his back.

Tobias kissing me deep with hunger fathomable as he pulls me into him, his legs spread, my back to his front. he fits my hair pulling my head back to rest on his shoulders as he lines me up and thrusts up into me.

I cry out at the invasion as he fucks me ruthlessly, spreading me over his lap my clit throbbing in the open air, his free hand covering me. He circles my clit with his finger as he hammers into me as he thrust and thrust. I grind myself into him consumed in a haze of lust.

"Feel so good." Tobias murmurs, tensing his orgasm close. I cover his working fingers with mine and in a second I come between our efforts my eyes fastened on Ace just as Tobias grunts out his release. We collapse on the bed and Ace pulls me into him.

Tobias and Ace phones started to ring together and we all looked at each other they picked up their phones and I walked into the bathroom to take a shower my legs feeling like jelly.

I cant believe I lost my virginity to these to.

"Ganyu we have to go." they both say is some kind of sad way.

What was that phone call.?

What's going to happen now.?

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