Chapter 21 The dance in the rain

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It's been a week since are wedding and all it's been doing is raining.

I go to Ace office as he's doing work. I don't knock I just walk in.

"What's wrong princess.?" He asked me whiles looking up from his work.

"Nothing but can we dance in the rain Please.?" I say while giving him puppy eyes.

"Sure anything for you princess."

I grab his hand and I make our way downstairs and into the backyarder. I put on our wedding song.

( Stephen Sanchez - Until I found you.)

He grabs my hand and started to turn me around I cant be any happier right now. I have everything I want right here in front of me.

Ace grabs me by my neck and started to kiss me in the rain until Kaeya comes running out.

"Both of you we have to go Now it's Tobias and the other members."

Ace lets go of my hand and started to run inside grabbing mine and his gun's and my daggers.

"What happened.?" I asked.

"Let's just say one of our shipments was about to get robbed by an unknown mafia gang and they need are help as Tobias and Dom didn't take all the members with them." Kaeya tells me.

"Where my bestie.?"

"With them now less talking more moving your ass."


We get to the base where the shipment is and we saw someone holding Sangonomiya by the neck.

"Oh hell no."

"Princess don't do anything fucking stupid I cant lose you." Ace tells me whiles grabbing my hand.

"Are you crazy or stupid or just both.?, I'm a fucking assassin ACE. If I can get her out of that fucker hand I will do and your not stopping me."

I take my dagger out of my pocket and ran behind the man whos got my bestie by the neck.

I put my hands to his neck and I didn't think twice I slit his neck open and Sangonomiya fell in the floor.

"Nice, Thank you." She says whiles pulling me into a hug.

"No problem I don't need my bestie 6ft under do I." I laughed before picking her up by her hands.

Ace, Tobias , Dom and Kaeya comes running up to us.

Ace grabbed my hand and turned me to him and pulling me into a hug like his missed me or some kind of shit. "I'm fine Ace." I tell him whiles I look into his eye's.

"Let get the gun's out of this shipment and go home we have to get information who these cunts are." Ace tells us all.

"Tobias get your members to do the same."

"I'm already on it."

My hand gets pulled and I nearly feel onto my ass.

"Wow what the fuck.!" I yell.

"S-Sorry I didn't mean to pull you that hard." Sangonomiya says whiles letting on of me.

"It's alright I thought it was one of the boy's what's up.?"

"How's the babies.?, Have you told Ace yet.?"

"They are fine they just giving me back pain and not yet. I have a box under mine and Ace bed with all the baby photos in and everything I'm going to give it him for Christmas and I will be 7 months."

"Shit that's gone fast but you know Christmas is in like 2 weeks.?"



We are at the house and everyone in the meeting room I got into mine and Ace room so I could put his top on and his grey joggers on.

I get back into the meeting room and Kaeya and Dom are getting the guns ready. Ace has got his hands on his head. Tobias is looking at me and Sangonomiya is giving me a sad smile but why.?

"What...?" I asked whiles I'm moving towards Ace.

"I can't join you on this mission princess I'm sorry I have to go for a shipment mission. I love you princess."


"Princess I want to come more then anything but we made up the teams. you're going with Tobias, Callum and the others and I'm taking Dom, Kaeya and Sangonomiya you be fine I promise you." He tells me whiles giving me a kiss on the cheek we haven't be away from each other since the day he got me back.

I stormed out of the meeting room and went straight outside in the flowers garden. I let out a deep breath I didn't realise I was holding in.

I grabbed a rock next to me and threw it as far as I could has tears began to fall down my face.

I walked back inside everyone froze and watched me with caution, I shook my head feeling to tired to even mention anything I brushed past everyone and headed straight to our room to get ready for the mission.

I collapsed on the bed I screamed into the pillow. A knock on my door broke me out of my tantrum. "Go AWAY.!" I yelled. But the door comes flying open "Ganyu." I looked up and saw a concerned Sangonomiya and Kaeya they both came rushing over to me and pulled me into a hug.

After the pulled away Ace and Tobias comes into the room as well.

"I love you Ganyu I will see you later." Ace says while kissing me on the lips and hugging me.

"It's time Ganyu."

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