Chapter 5 - I will never forget you.

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I think I know who is the unknown don. Could it really be Ace.? He did say before I saw him and all that plus he's not even here to think of it now thought I wish he was because I'm never going to see him again as Tobias is kicking me out where would I go? and why is he kicking me out.?

I looked at my brother who just walked into the kitchen with Kaeya and Ace. They ain't even looking at me only Tobias and some fucking weird person is.

"If karma doesn't fucking hit you I fucking will." One of Tobias gang members say to me.

I looked at him gone out why is he even saying that and why isn't no one saying anything to him.?

"I watch what your fucking saying to me little man hitting girls really dam your a low life cunt if you ask me and lets be real here I'm not in danger your boss ain't got shit on me now run along, it's funny how none of you could find me until my best mate told you lot who I was." I looked around the room and the same guy came closer to me.

"If Tobias don't kill you I'm sure ace and his gang will sweet dreams slut."

"So what have I done then.? Because your kicking me out for nothing, I don't have anywhere to go and I'm defo not going back to my mom and dads." I say while looking at them all I didn't even get what I have done so wrong that no one is looking at me.

"It's best if you go Ganyu, I thought you would be different really your a deadly assassin and you wanna go that low to smash Ace pc up." Tobias says while walking over me to grabbing my arm.

"I- I didn't do anything to Ace pc, I don't even know where his fucking room is. Ace you have to believe me why would I wanna do that shit to you.?"

"I don't know darling."

"You know what fine I'm going maybe look at the fucking cameras in the fucking house to see who did it because lets be real I was in Tobias bed last night." I say while walking to the door, I looked over at Ace and his hands went into fists.

"Wait you had sex with her! You let her in your fucking bed!" Ace screamed at Tobias.

"We didn't have sex chill its not like she yours anyways."

I walked out the front door and dialled Sangonomiya number I needed somewhere to go and someone to kill we haven't been on a mission since being in this house.

Phone call.

Bestie what can I do for you.?

Do we have anyone to kill today.?

Yes meet me at the park and we will go.

Sure bye.

End of call.


We are at the park talking about the gang we need to take out and my phone goes off. I took it out of my pocket and its from unknown don.

Unknown don - You really are a slut if you had sex with him. 3

Me - I didn't have sex with him but thanks. Maybe fuck off before I put a dagger into your heart.

Unknown don - not if I get to you first darling.

I put my phone back into my pocket and looked over the water "Are you ready Ganyu.?" Sangonomiya asked.

We both put are phones on silent and placed them back into are pockets, we jumped into her car and made are way to the location where we need to be. Lets hope they are their.


We are at the location and Sangonomiya throws a bullet proof vest at me." I have a mad feeling Ganyu something don't feel right, put the vest on under your top." She says while putting hers on.

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