Chapter 18 I will always be yours.

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We get home and I feel so fucking numb I can't believe I lost the love of my life. I walked into the meeting room and everyone started looking at me and giving me sad smiles all I want right now is for Ace to be hear with me and tell me everything is going to be fine but it's not.

I walked over to my bestie and she looked at me in shock.

"Ganyu!" She yelled out of nowhere.

Why was she yelling at me like that.?

"What.?" I asked her whiles she pulling me into a hug.

"Your bleeding! And it's not little bit it's a lot." She tells me.

I dropped onto the floor and tears began to fall down my face I can't lose his baby not when I've just lost him I just cant.

Tobias rushes to my side and picks me up and walking out the room with me and my bestie following behind me.

He takes me to mine and Ace room and placing me onto the bed.

"Tobias can you just come out the room for a second I just need to change her." My bestie says to him.

She puts another pregnancy's test out of the draws and looked at me. "You need to take this in the morning Ganyu." She placed it onto my bedside table and got my pjs.

I go into the bathroom and washed the blood away and put a pad on as I was bleeding.

"Can you get me a hot water bottle please my stomach is hurting so much." I asked her.

"Sure I will be back." She tells me whiles walking out the room.

I put one of Ace top on and his grey joggers and I walked to the bed the room still smells like him his peppermint smell. I grabbed my teddy and waited for Sangonomiya to bring my hot water bottle up.

"I really hope you haven't lost the baby Ganyu." She says while handing me the hot bottle.

"I hope not to this baby is all I have left of him."

I picked up the Tv remote and turned on the tv once it was on I put on Netflix and started to watch teen wolf until sleep took over me.


It's around 9am I pick up the pregnant test and go into the bathroom to do it.

I brushed my teeth after that was done I picked up the test. It says POSITIVE.

I ran outside of the room and to the Livingroom but everyone was sitting in silence.

"Where's Ace." They all turned to me.

"Ganyu, please listen." Sangonomiya comes closer to me and looks in my hand is takes the test and puts it into her pocket.

"Is he still dead.?, like I saw him die in front of me."

"We sorry Ganyu we are but we can't explain only Ace and James knows the whole story." Tobias put his head in his hands.

"We have to show you." Kaeya spoke up.

I was numb to even speak, Kaeya grabs my hand and took me to a room next to the meeting room. He opened the door revealing James in the bed and some of the gang members around him.

"Ganyu.." James looked at me sadly.

"James! Your alive." I went over to the bed and pulled him into a hug.

"I wasn't going to die Ganyu, it was a minor injury. But Ace he got shot and he was in extremely critical condition from high blood loss, he had a near death experience."

"What the fuck dose that mean James.?"

"He had been in surgery for the past 4 hours. We are still waiting for the doctors new." I dropped onto the floor sobbing, I don't know if to be happy that he's alive or mad that he could die.

The door open and I didn't even look up I just cant.

"Ganyu." I looked up too see the doctor standing at the door.

"What is it.?"

"I'm here to inform you that Mr Heinz has very dangerous injuries that made him lose massive amounts of blood and Mr Heinz has gotten out of surgery and is well but he wants to see you."

I put my hand over my face and sobbed even more. "HE'S ALIVE!" I yell.

I saw Ace in the bed sitting up and looking down at the blanket, he didn't even know we came into the room. The doctor left the room and closed the room behind him. I walked closer to the bed and stood next to it.


He got out of his trance and looked up to see me, his eyes started tearing up and tears ran down his cheeks.

"Princess." he tried getting up from the bed.

"Stay in bed Ace." I sat down beside him on the bed.

"I'm sorry princess, I'm so sorry." I wiped away the stray tears from his cheeks.

"Don't leave me again Ace, I'm happy your alive." He puts his hand on my cheek and I rested my hand on his hand and looked into his eyes. "I thought I lost you Ace."

"I promised that I would never leave you not now not ever princess." He pulled my face towards his and captured out lips in a kiss.

"I love you princess, I love you so much that the thought of leaving you brings me so much pain."

"I love you more Ace more then the earth. your the party of my soul that I cant live without." He smiled and caresses my face.

"Lets go sleep princess all I want to do us hold you in my arms."

We slowly closed our eyes and I fell asleep to the now so familiar scent of peppermint.

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