Chapter 11 I'm never letting you go.

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☆ ~Ace ~☆

Me, Tobias, Kaeya and Dom are all sitting in the meeting room going over more files and CCTV to see who's took Ganyu. We have a name and we already know he's a mafia boss so we are checking where he last was because maybe Ganyu is there.

I looked at the CCTV cameras and stopped.

"I will never fall in love again until I find her." I tell the boys.

"Are we will find her." Tobias tells me while typing away on the pc.

"How do you know it's been a month already.!"

"I know you love her mate." Dom says while pulling me into a hug.

I haven't slept in a week and my body is weak. but every time I close my eyes all I could see is my Ganyu.

"I'm going to have a nap." I tell the guys. I walked out the meeting room and went into her bedroom so I could get some sleep.

I walked over to her bed and grabbed her teddy before getting in. once I was in he bed I hugged the teddy and the darkness took over.


We are back in the meeting room and Sangonomiya comes running in and running over to the computers.

She pushes Dom out the way and pulled up the tracker system.

"What are you doing.?" I asked her.

"Ganyu rang and I completely forgot we have trackers inside of us she told me to track her." She says while typing away.

"Wait how did she ring.?"

"I don't know Ace but she not doing well it sounds like she fucking dying." She says.

My heart stopped at that moment my girl sounds like she is dying I can't lose her not now not ever I just want her in my arms right now and always, I run out of the meeting room to gear up because tonight is the night I'm getting my girl back.

I run back into the meeting room and everyone is here.

"What's the plan.?" I asked putting the gun into my waist.

"Sangonomiya getting the blueprint as we speak, we find her Ace she coming back home." Kaeya tells me.


It's been around 30 minutes and Sangonomiya comes running into the room with the blueprints in her hand she runs to the table and drops them down.

"So me, Ace and Tobias will go in from the back of the house and Dom and Kaeya you both take the side of the house and the rest of you take the front of the house. It's time to get my bestie back." She tells everyone while rolling up the blueprints.

"Now lets go and get my girl back before she dies."


We get out the car and we ran towards the back door Sangonomiya pick locks the door and we are in.

I pull my gun out and headed towards the Livingroom and their was an old lady cleaning the room up. I pointed my gun at her and she puts her hands up. "Where is she.?" I asked her.

"I- I will show you." She tells me whiles walking to the basement door.

Tobias and Sangonomiya and everyone else is in the house killing everyone in it.

The old lady unlocked the door and we began walking down the stairs. I get to the bottom of the stairs and there she was a sleep on the bed with cuts everywhere and she been beaded black and blue but her face is completely find.

I ran towards her and picked her up so we could leave this place but it all happened so fast. I felt something sharp go into my back I screamed Tobias and I went down on the floor dropping Ganyu on the floor with me. This can't be it I can't have just failed the mission on getting the love of my life back. Not now after getting all the way here I need to push through this pain I know I've just been stabbed and it dose help that I haven't been sleeping.

I looed up to see the man who kidnapped her.

"Well hello Ace good to see you but sorry you have to die." He says while smirking.

I pulled my gun out my waistband and pointed it at him I didn't do more then shot him in the head. He wasn't that fast at getting his gun out then I thought. Tobias and Sangonomiya comes running down the basement stairs and running over to us.

"Get her out of here now.!" I yell at Sangonomiya.

I would do it myself but I'm losing a lot of blood, I get up with the help of Tobias and we make are way upstairs. I looked at the old lady and then at Kaeya." Bring her to the house." I tell him.


We are now back at the house and I've already been stitched up by our doctors. I walk into Ganyu room to check on her and she still asleep I took off my suit jacket and my shoes and I moved to her bed and laid down with her kissing her on the forehead. " I'm sorry I failed you princess but please try and wake up for me princess because I need you I need to see your beautiful smile again."

The doctor walks into her room and checked her over.

"How she doing.? Shouldn't she be a wake by now.?" I asked the doctor.

"We put her into a coma Ace because how bad her injuries' are she will wake up when she ready."

That when my heart broke I cant lose her I haven't had a chance to be with her yet. That's when my tears began to fall.

I hope your all enjoying the book so far. ღ ❣

Whos your favourite characters.?

There's always going to be an Ace Heinz & Ganyu. ♡

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