Chapter 8 SOS

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I can't believe he's ignoring me why tell me you like me then the next minute he's cold.

I get out of bed and headed into the bathroom so I could brush my teeth, I turned on the water after brushing my teeth so I could wash my face.

I walked downstairs and its way to quiet I looked into the Livingroom and no one was their well that's strange I thought to myself.

I headed to the kitchen so I could pour myself a green tea, I pulled my phone out my pocket as it vibrated.

It's a message from the Unknown don I thought it was Ace but It wasn't at all.

Unknown don - I hope your doing alright princess.

Me - I'm good, do you know where everyone is.?

Unknown don - In the meeting room come because your late.

I placed my phone back into my pocket and made my way to the meeting room, I opened the door and all eyes was on me.

I walked over to Ace and Tobias to take a seat next to them as its the only seat left. I looked around the room and it looks like I'm not the only one whos late because Sangonomiya just walked in as well.

"Are you both always late for meeting.?" Kaeya asked us.

"Well I didn't know we had a meeting next time wake me up." I say while looking at him dead in the eye.

"Anyways as I was staying they are coming back so we all need to be ready." Tobias says.

"Who.?" Sangonomiya asked.

"The ones who shot Ace are coming back Ganyu you have a bounty on your head."

I looked up at him, I didn't know I had a fucking bounty on my head. "How much.?" I asked before standing up.

"3 Billion." He tells me.

Fuck! I walked towards the door before getting stopped, "Where you going.?" Ace asked me.

"I have a 3 billion bounty on my fucking head and you think I'm just going to sit around to get killed no chance in hell over my dead fucking body. I'm going to see who the fuck put that bounty on my head then I'm going to do what I do best, now fuck off!" I say while walking out the meeting room.

My phone pings again and this time I just looked at the massage and didn't even reply.

Unknown don - Don't do anything stupid please text me if you need me. A x

I walked into mine and Sangonomiya office and I get straight into hacking the bounty list to see who it was.

After an hour the office door comes flying open and in walks my bestie with some coffee. "Here you go, did you did anything.?" She asked moving to her seat.

"Ya, his name is Ross and he is going to be at Moon club tonight so I'm going their and I'm going to kill the cunt." I tell her while taking a slip of my coffee.


It's around 7.30 pm so I make my way into my room to get ready to kill Ross, I jumped into the shower and washed my hair and body. after that I make my way into my bedroom and pulled out a black dress and black boots.

 after that I make my way into my bedroom and pulled out a black dress and black boots

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It's now around 8.20pm and I'm walking down the stairs I get to the bottom step and all eyes was on me.

"Wow" Kaeya says.

"Where are you going.?" Tobias asked.

"Out don't stay up for me." I tell them I looked at Ace and he's looking me up and down like his eyes fucking me. Weird I know I thought to myself.


It's now 9.30pm and I'm washing the blood off my hands in the girls bathroom until the bathroom door got slammed open. "Ganyu come out now." I hid inside the toilet behind the door I grabbed my phone and texted Unknown don.


I put my phone back into my bra and that's when the door get swung open and the black cloth covered my mouth and nose and it all went dark.

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