Chapter 22 Mission Time.

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I felt the car come to a stop and I opened the door. I get out to see the other Mafia leader and members huddled together. I moved past them and headed to were Callum was.

We were in some kind of woods one the left was a barn and one the right was trees and behind the tress was a building in the middle of the woods. I remember that theirs a base. it's heavily guarded, so it seems like they are getting ready to attack it.

"James.!" He turned around and ran towards me.

"Ganyu.! What are you doing here your not safe here.!"

"I'm on a mission of course, I'm going to fight with you all, Your all my family plus I'm the best hacker and assassin. And I need to protect You, Tobias, Callum and everyone." I say to him whiles folding my arms.

"I'm well capable of protecting myself Ganyu.! After all I am a mafia leader." He said.

"I'm not gonna risk losing you again.! or anyone for that matter. I'm fighting with you like it or not.!"

"You didn't lose me silly I was shot." He laughed.

"GANYU!" I heard Tobias angry voice.

"Yes.?" I asked him

"Nothing." He pulls me into a hug and kisses my head. "I missed that." He whispered softly.

We pulled away and we looked into each other eyes. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Okay lets get back to work." Tobias yelled.

Tobias looked at me and takes in a deep breath. "Your job is going to be taking control of the hacking and electric doors etc. This device will help you connect to the locks and codes so you can open it. All you need to know is the proper codes." Tobias handed me the device.

"Well that's something I'm good at and assassin people."

"Well then, Were going now stay safe angel. your with the first group so you can open the locks on everything." I nodded.

He pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. "Make sure you come back to us Angel." He said against my cheek.

"You all wont lose me that easy." I say while letting him go.


in 4 minutes, we had the guards and security killed. We blew up the entrance and our gang members entered the building and started firing shots.

The mission started, I left with the first wave: me James and Callum and some other members we headed inside and immediately shots were fired our way. James pulls me behind him and he started shooting. I put a hand onto my belly and started to rub it.

"Ganyu unlock the door." He pointed at the door to my left.

I quickly unscrewed the key pad that has the lock and plugged in the device I started the coding. The door unlocked. "Good job little one, now follow us." James open all the doors he needs. "They are going to be our escape routes."

A whole lot of members followed Tobias and James and I headed to Callum. " We need the first floor. there's computer files we need to get and some extract." We ran through the fighting we ran up the stairs and reached a closed door.

I broke off the lock key pad and connected the device, then entered codes to open it. We pushed it open the moment it unlocked Callum pulled me behind him and shot who ever was in the room.

"Go to that computer and find the files with Ace and Tobias names on it." Callum says and I went to the head computer and plugged the device in.


40 minutes later I cracked it open. We closed the door so all the other mafia gang didn't know we was in the room.

"Callum I found 12 files and some others and a layout for the entire building." I transferred the files and destroyed them completely after that.

"I found everything we need. lets head back to Tobias and James, they are in the vaults." We exited the room and headed to the ground floor shooting anything what was in our way.

"Callum!" I yelled a man tried shooting him from behind. I took out my gun and shot him in the head.

"Thank Ganyu."

We continued our way to the mafia leaders who are in the vault. "Thanks." I tell Callum who holding the door open for me. We heard shouting and shots ringing.

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