Chapter 14 I won't forget about us. I won't

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We are in the car going back to the mansion. I'm holding ace hand but both of the boys are acting different and I don't even know why.

I let go of his hand and laid down at the back of the car so sleep could take over me.


We are now back at the mansion and we are now walking into the house, my hand is in Ace hand we open the door and that's when Ace let's go of my hand.

"Shit." They both say at the same time but in a whisper.

That's when I saw him that's when I saw my dad starting at us he moved to me but I began to move backwards but bumped into the wall behind me.

(Slap) My dad just slapped me around the face and everyone just saw it. I looked over at Ace and Tobias but they didn't do anything I saw their hands turn into fists.

Kaeya comes running towards me stopping my dad from hitting me again.

"I wouldn't do that to her again if you know what's good for you." He tells my dad.

My dad looks between me and Ace.

"End it NOW ACE! and I fucking mean it, She nothing but a prostitute." He tells him.

"You're talking to my pup like she a prostitute but she not!" Tobias says out.

"He's right, we never stood a chance." Ace says out.

I looked at him completely shocked my heart is breaking with his words and I could see that he's hurting to but why is he saying this? after we just did.

"W-what do you mean.?"

"We are gone Ganyu."

I looked at him and tears began to fall. "Okay." I tell him I looked at my dad and started to walk away but before I walked away I turned around, " I hope your happy." Then I left the room and walked into my office.

I closed the door behind me collapsing onto the floor. I cant believe he just said that I cant believe I thought I had a chance with him my heart just broken into millions of pieces.

I walked out the office and dumped into Tobias he pulls me into a hug and let's go of me when he sees my dad.

I walk upstairs and made my way into my bedroom locking the door behind me.

Everyone leaves, everyone will always leave me.

☆ ~Ace ~☆

I can't believe I just did that a fucking again why is it I can't have anything good in my life.

"Make sure you don't go near her Ace or I will kill her." He threatened.

I looked at Dom and Kaeya and I know they are reading my mind because they just knobbed their heads. I'm going to kill this bastard for touching my girl.

I ran towards her bedroom I turned the handle but the door was locked I pulled out my phone and texted her.

A - I'm sorry.

I ran downstairs and into the meeting room where everyone was and I took my seat.

"I'm sorry Dom but I'm going to kill your dad." I tell him putting my gun onto the table.

"Go for it but I'm helping he just threatened you that's why you broken up with Ganyu."

"Well I'm obsessed with her so it's either him getting killed or me losing her for good."

The door come open and in walk Sangonomiya and Tobias." We are killing him tonight he's going to be at our club tonight so it's a good chance." They both say.

I get my phone again and texted her.

A - I miss you.

I know it's a dick move after what I did but I just want her to know.

G - Move on because I'm going to Ace like you said we never stood a chance.

A - I regret all of it and I will prove it to you tonight princess.

G - Goodbye Ace.

A - Ganyu I love you.

I place my phone down and looked at everyone. Taking in a deep breath I stood up from my chair. "Everyone get ready we leaving in 5." I tell them walking out the door after.

I come walking down the stairs and everyone is ready to go," We all ready to go boss." One of my men tell me.


We jump into our club before Ganyu dad came we will have our earpieces in waiting for the odder to go.

I walked to the bar and Tobias is sitting with Sangonomiya and Dom and Kaeya are waiting for a go ahead.

In walks are target. " Callum when he gets a drink drug it." I tell him

"On it boss."

"We could torture him because the shit he did to her.?" Kaeya says.

"No just get the job done." I tell them.


I picked up my phone and dialled her number.

G - What Ace.?

A - He's dead.

G - W-what who are you.?

A - Not me your dad princess.

G - Get home now.!

༺❀༻ Ganyu༺❀༻

I really thought they was going to say Ace was dead I can't stand these heartaches anymore I just want him in my arms.

The front door slammed open so I know they all are back. I opened my door and walked downstairs

"I love you princess." Ace says while running to me.

"I don't love you anymore Ace."

"Since when.?"


"Doesn't matter princess I love you."

"It's too late Ace it's over, I don't love you anymore goodbye."

"Please don't leave me." Ace cried out.

"I don't have a choice Ace I'm sorry."

I walked out the front door not looking back, I couldn't after hearing him cry and screaming.

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