Chapter 7 I'm Sorry.

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☆~ Ace ~☆

I woken up to the sound of bleeping and voices, the last thing I remember was getting shot and telling my angel I like her.

My right hand feels numb for some reason like something is in my hand.? Shit I feel weak I mean I did just get shot how long have I been in the coma for.?

I opened my eyes and closed them again because the light was hurting my eyes, I turned my head to the right and opened my eyes again. I looked at my hand and I saw someone hand in my hand I followed the hand to see its my angel sleeping with her head on the bed and her hand in my hand. I know I heard her when I was out.

"Ace your AWAKE" Kaeya says.

"Fuck yes Ace is back."

"You wake her up and I swear I will shot you both." I say to Kaeya and Tobias.

"Wow thanks Ace not I missed you both nooo you want to threaten to kill us." Tobias says while walking over to me.

I let go of her hand and pulled the needles out of my arm as I needed a pee so bad.

"What you doing.?" Dom asked me looking worried.

"I'm going for a pee before I pee myself then we are getting the fuck out of here." I tell him whiles walking to the bathroom.

I walk out the bathroom after having a pee and their she was just starting at me fuck she looks cute as hell but I know I need to let her go I don't do relationships or love and I don't wanna hurt her.

I walk over to my clothes and I started to strip off the hospital clothes and my boxes.

I was about to take my boxes off until Tobias coughed. I looked around and saw them all looking at me. "Well turn around you lot I don't need you all to be jealous of my cock now do we." I say while laughing.


I'm already to leave the hospital until Tobias stopped me. "You lot wait outside I have to talk to Ace for a minute." he says to everyone.

"What is it something happened to my mafia?" I asked him whiles giving him the wtf look.

"No nothing wrong with your mafia but you told her you liked her Ace you can't she has a bounty on her head and I don't wanna see you hurt." He tells me whiles walking up to me.

I took in a deep breath because I know he's rights "I know that's why I'm not going to pay her any attention she my light and I don't want to infect her with my darkness , I know what I need to do but can you promise me you look after her.?" I tell him while walking to the door.

"I can't promise that Ace but you didn't tell her about you know what right.?"

"No, absolutely not no one knows about that but me you , Dom and Kaeya." I tell him.

I walk out of the hospital room and started to walk out the hospital to Tobias car.

Once we are in the car I pulled out my phone and messaged a hoe I know. "Hey guys you wanna come clubbing tonight get fucked and fuck bitches.?" I asked them.

"Hell yes." They all say.

I looked over at Ganyu and I could see that she hurt, my heart was breaking I know I'm going to push her way and it hurts so fucking much but it's for the best.


We get to the mansion and Ganyu is shouting me, I turned around to look at her and she looking at the floor.

"Ya what is it princess.?"

"Did you mean It.? What you said when you got shot, did you mean it?" She asked me how the fuck am I going to lie about this fuck.

"No I didn't mean it let's be real princess you don't mean shit to me never have never will so fuck off and stay out of my way." I tell her I looked at her face and saw her eyes glossy over fuck I feel like a dick.

I pulled out my phone and faked at dialling my hoe number. "Hey sexy you wanna fuck.?" I say to my phone she looked at me and huffed and took a deep breath.

"Your pathetic Ace, I HATE YOU!" She yells.

I walked into the house and into the kitchen where all the boys are "You ready.?"


I'm sitting in the club and I cant stop thinking about her am I already in love with her? or is it just a feeling.?

I'm sitting with Kaeya whiles everyone is getting face fucked, I'm only drinking water because I still need to take my meds.

After the club. I took a deep breath in and walked inside the house.

I walked into Ganyu bedroom and saw she was a sleep so I make my way over to her and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry princess I know your going to hate me but I cant hurt you , I love you I always have and always will." I kissed her again and made my way out of her room.

I saw Dom and Kaeya looking at me so I make my way over to them. "I let her go, I let Ganyu go."

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