Chapter 7: Calm Before the Storm

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"Wake up Tatsumi... PLEASE!!!"  Lubbock screamed. "Please you can't be dead!"

"Tatsumi...." Chelsea breathed out.

"He's gone.... I can't believe our Tatsumi is really gone." Sheele cried.

All of a sudden Tatsumi's body disappeared.

"Figures, this must be the Path of Peace's work." Bulat said wiping a falling tear. "They probably have some sort of plan."

"I wonder what they're up to." Leone said.

"If Tatsumi isn't safe with the Lord, he's not safe anywhere." Najenda said.

"All the same, we need to find the three RongoRongo books and bring Tatsumi back.... if we can even find them." Chelsea said looking at TJ.

"Yeah, we're gonna need all the help we can get. And the Jaegers are running off to who knows where." Leone said.

"Well, you're the one that chases them off every time we see them." Lubbock mumbled.

"That reminds me, how did that Tuffle manage to track us down so quickly?" Chelsea asked curiously.

"With that device he's wearing, attached to his face." Akame answered. "Apparently it reads power levels and tracks your location."

"Come here Lubbock." Chelsea said.

"Yeah?" Lubbock responded.

"See if you can get that thing off his face for me." Chelsea said casually.

"Seriously?!?! If he so much as twitches I'm outta here." Lubbock said nervously.

Lubbock removed the device from Ryzer's face and handed it to Chelsea.

"It's a little banged up but if we take it to Revolutionary HQ it'll be fixed in no time." Chelsea said.

"If we can do that, we'll have another way to track everyone." Lubbock said.

"In any case we should head back home and work from there." Najenda suggested.

"Yeah, me and Susanoo will head out to ask how to find the Rongorongo books." Bulat said.

"You guys should start looking for the Rongorongo books immediately, wherever Tatsumi is we'll still need to wish him back." Leone said. "But as for me and Akame we'll be taking TJ; we'll need to train him."

"How powerful that boy becomes almost entirely if he receives the proper training. One year from now two more Tuffles will arrive on Earth. When that day comes, we'll need him to be ready." Akame said. "There's little time and much to learn, so for the next year he's with us. Be sure to tell Mine that TJ is training with us."

"Yeah, that's a great idea." Susanoo said handing TJ over to Akame.

Akame and Leone then flew off with TJ.

In the Spirit Realm:

"And that is why this young man stands before you today." Bolic said presenting Tatsumi to King Wei. "To make this one request. All he asks is to be trained. On his behalf I beg you to allow him to call upon Lord San for guidance."

"Hmm, Tatsumi eh?" King Wei said looking into his book. "I'm looking at his file and it's certainly impressive. Let's get this straight, this friend of yours is a shoe in to get into heaven and he still wants to risk God's Path to meet with King San for training?"

"Yes Sir." Bolic said.

"So, this is the place where people go when they die?" Tatsumi asked.

"Yes." Bolic responded.

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