Chapter 8: Hellatious Training

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"So what now? How do I train?" TJ asked.

"For now, you don't have to do anything, kid." Leone said.

"You have to survive." Akame said kneeling on front of TJ.

"Survive?" TJ asked, confused and nervous.

"Yeah, you have to stay alive for six months, then we'll teach me how to fight." Leone said.

"What? But you guys can't leave me out here." TJ said.

"Let me tell you something, TJ." Akame said, rubbing TJ's head. "Me and my sister Kurome were sold to the Empire as kids younger than you. And we had to survive on our own against danger beasts and other deadly situations. Once we did that, then we were taught how to become assassins."

"It's true, TJ." Leone said.

"Whoa. Really?" TJ said in surprise. "OK, I'll try to survive."

"There you go. That's the spirit kid!" Leone said, patting TJ on the back.

"We believe in your strength, TJ." Akame said as she and Leone flew into the air.

TJ just watched as Akame and Leone flew off.

In the Spirit Realm:

"I had no idea TJ was so strong. What he did against Ryzer was unreal. That's my son, all right." Tatsumi said.

Tatsumi then looked at the curving zigzag design in the snake.

"Hey, no one ever said I had to stay on the path." Tatsumi said, hatching an idea.

He began to leap over the snake for more distance until he misstepped and fell into the clouds, black spirit hands began to pull Tatsumi down to hell but he managed to break free and get back on the snake.

"Phew, so much for that idea. No to self: Do not go to Hell." Tatsumi said.

Back in the Wilderness:

TJ was mulling over his options while pissing on a rock.

"Aww man, what am I gonna do?" TJ thought. But his his thoughts were interrupted when a giant dinosaur looking danger beast began to chase him.

"Oh crap!!" TJ screamed and began to run from the danger beast.

But as TJ was running, he tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. But just as TJ thought it was over and began to cry, his body began to glow. Just as the danger beast was about to eat TJ, he disappeared.

When TJ opened his eyes, he realized he was on a very high rock.

"Oh no!! I'm stuck!!" TJ cried out.

Back in the Spirit Realm:

Tatsumi was running along God's path.

"Ow, Ow, Ow!! Damn cramps!!" Tatsumi said in pain, holding his side.

At Revolutionary HQ:

"What? You didn't tell her?" Najenda said.

"I'm sorry, guys. I couldn't do it." Wave said, hanging his head.

"You mean none of it?" Chelsea said in annoyance.

"Right." Wave said in shame.

"All you had to do was blurt it out. It's not hard." Lubbock said.

"Yeah, it's easy for you to say. You try looking Mine in the face and tell her that Tatsumi is dead." Wave said in defense.

"Well, he's got a point there." Sheele said in agreement.

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