Chapter 11: The Fight is Near

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Tatsumi has finally completed is training with King San.

"Damn it!" Lord San said.

"What? What's wrong?" Tatsumi asked looking confused.

"I totally forgot the time it would take for you to get back home." King San admitted.

"Seriously?!?!" Tatsumi said in disbelief.

"But hey, don't worry you'll make it there in about two days tops." King San said nervously.

"It took me six months to get here, I can't make it there by tomorrow!!". Tatsumi said in distress. "Everyone is going to die!"

"Alright, Alright, calm down. We need to get in touch with your friends on Earth." King San said.

"But how?" Tatsumi asked.

"Place a hand on my back and communicate telepathically." King San said.

Tatsumi then placed a hand on Lord San's back and began mentally talking.

"Lubbock! Hey Lubbock! If you're there say something man!"  Tatsumi said.

"What the- Tatsumi's voice? Nah I must be dreaming." Lubbock said while pinching himself.

"No, you're not dreaming it's really me."  Tatsumi assured.

"Holy Fucking Shit." Lubbock breathed out.

"Have you guys found all three of the Rongorongo books?"  Tatsumi said.

"Yeah, we had for a while now in case you wanted to come back early." Lubbock said.

"Ok great. I need you guys to bring me back right now, the Tuffles will be on Earth by tomorrow."  Tatsumi said.

"Wait what? Tomorrow? Impossible, it hasn't been a year yet." Lubbock said.

"Looks like things have changed. I'm going to be a little late to the fight though so stall for as long as you can." Tatsumi said. "Ok man, see ya on the battlefield."

"Right." Lubbock said.

"I get to be alive again." Tatsumi said cheerfully as he put on fresh new clothes. "It's going to be great."

Back with TJ, Akame & Leone:

TJ was avoiding multiple energy blasts from Akame and Leone.

"Stand your ground and counterattack, don't just evade." Leone said.

TJ charged at both of them while dodging energy attacks he leapt into the air to attack but they both easily dodged the attack and TJ crashed into the ground.

With the rest of Night Raid:

"So how do we do this?" Chelsea asked.

"We just say what we want to wish for in each book." Najenda said.

"Really, it's that simple?" Lubbock said.

Najenda then said: "Bring the Assassin known as Tatsumi back to life."

The books began to glow then the disappeared without a trace.

"Tatsumi should be on his back now, right?" Sheele asked.

"Yes. Hopefully soon." Najenda said.

With Akame, Leone & TJ:

"Why did it get so dark like that?" TJ asked.

"Hey Leone, that was the Rongorongo books." Akame said.

"Yeah, I figured." Leone said. "But that can only mean..."

"The Tuffles will be here sooner than expected." Akame said finishing Leone's sentence.

In the afterlife:

"Your halo is gone Tatsumi!! You're alive now!!!" Sayo happily cheered.

"Awesome." Ieyasu said.

"There's no time to lose. Remember the Tuffles are as evil as they are powerful. Don't let your guard down, not even for a second." Lord San said.

"Try not to end up back here Tatsumi, next time it's forever." Ieyasu said.

"What about you guys don't you guys want to come back to life too?" Tatsumi asked to his friends.

Sayo and Ieyasu walked to Tatsumi and gave him a hug in response.

"This may come as a shock to you but me and Ieyasu rather stay dead in the Spirit Realm." Sayo said.

"Why?" Tatsumi said somberly.

"Compared to Night Raid and the capital, you don't need us." Ieyasu said. "Plus, it's much, much safer here."

"But you guys are Tuffles too." Tatsumi said.

"Not one like you." Sayo said. "We'll ending up being more people you have to worry about."

"Now you better get going, the Earth remember?" Lord San said.

"Yeah, you're right." Tatsumi said. "Well see you guys later." Tatsumi gave Sayo and Ieyasu one more hug.

Tatsumi then ran in the other direction. But to everyone's surprise he ran back at them and leapt into the air and flew off along God's Path.

"Jesus!" Lord San said. "And the both of you grew up with that guy?"

"Yup." Ieyasu said.

"Trust us, you'll never see a guy like Tatsumi again." Sayo said.

The next day - 11:43am:

The Tuffles arrive.

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