Chapter 32: The Arrival of the Zoku Force

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"Feels like we've been flying forever." TJ said. "How much longer?"

"Halfway there." Chelsea said. "Ruler Abi isn't doing well, I sure hope he can hold out."

"I'd say we go at full speed." Leone said. "I'm sure we're far out enough to where Esdeath can't sense us."

"I say we go for it." TJ said.

"Okay then, let's go." Chelsea said.

TJ, Leone and Chelsea then flew at full speed.

"We should reach Ruler Abi in an hour or so." Chelsea said.

With Esdeath:

"There they are." Esdeath said, sensing the trio. "They must be at full power. But why aren't they coming after me? With that radar they can easily pinpoint the five books I have. I don't know what they're trying to pull but this might be my last chance of getting the last Book from them, I can't let this slip through the cracks... I'll take a Book with me just in case Mine is lurking around and least this way she won't get all eight."

Esdeath then took off after TJ, Leone and Chelsea:

With Tatsumi:

Tatsumi just completed twenty thousand one-armed handstand push-ups.

"Good. I don't feel worn out." Tatsumi said clenching his fist. "Okay, I think that's enough training for today. I should rest." 

Tatsumi then walking towards the Gravity controller to set it back to normal.

"I should let my body adjust back to normal gravity." Tatsumi said as he changed the controls. 

Tatsumi then picked up a brick and threw it across the room and caught it himself in a split second and crushed it.

"Woah. Now that's cool." Tatsumi said. "This gravity is nothing now... I'm so light. Not only that; I'm as solid as a brick wall. I can probably withstand a Incurse times twenty or maybe even higher."

After a quick shower and a soda Tatsumi then went to sleep.

With TJ, Leone and Chelsea: 

"Okay guys... Ruler Abi's house is just up ahead." Chelsea said. "We'll be there soon."

"Thank god." Leone said.

"The best we can do after raising TJ and Leone's powers is to wait for Tatsumi to get here." Chelsea thought.

"Look guys! There it is." Chelsea said. "That house up ahead."

"Looks we're in the home stretch." Leone said.

"No wait!" Chelsea said. "There's someone coming right for us."

"Don't tell me that's Esdeath." TJ said.

"It is." Leone said. "There's no mistaking that power."

"Listen you two, go to Ruler Abi and boost your power right now."  Chelsea demanded. "I'll keep Esdeath in the dark."

"Really?" TJ said. 

"Yes. Now just go get stronger!" Chelsea urged.

"Let's go, TJ." Leone said.

TJ and Leone flew to Ruler Abi's house.

And minutes later, Esdeath caught up to Chelsea.

"Hey." Esdeath said. "What are you three up to, huh?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Chelsea chuckled.

"Let's cut the chit-chat." Esdeath said. "You got something I want."

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