Chapter 37: Desperate Measures

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Tatsumi still was charging Incursio.

"His power is climbing... what the fuck!" Kaizoku said.

"No wonder he beat us bad, he's a fucking monster!" Sidii said. 

"Just so you know... I wasn't even nowhere close to my limit." Tatsumi said as he powered back down.

"You're lying..." Kaizoku said. "Don't tell me... you did it, didn't you?! You're an Imperial God!!"

"Funny, Esdeath said the same thing." Tatsumi said. "Sorry, I really don't know what you're talking about."

"What are the chances we'd run into that?" Sidii trembled.

"THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!" Kaizoku panicked. "The one thing Torosu said never existed... a person strong enough to challenge him for control of the entire universe."

"I hate to say it but, you don't stand a chance against me." Tatsumi said. "Still, I don't want to kill you if I don't have to, but I'll tell you what, you guys leave, and we'll call it even."

"Wait, you'd really just let us walk away from this?" Kaizoku said.

"Yeah, and I'm serious too." Tatsumi said. "You showed that you believe in a fair fight, there's hope for you."

"Is he for real? He won't finish us off even though he clearly has the strength to do so. All he wants is for us to leave this planet. But why would an Imperial God compromise, they're supposed to be the most ferocious creatures in existence... they live for battle."  Kaizoku thought. "Oh of course... I can't think of one reason why an Imperial God would be pathetically dossal. You haven't fully transformed... nice try though."

Kaizoku began chuckling, which caused a confused look on Tatsumi's face.

At Ruler Abi's House: 

"Ruler, it's Evan, he's come back." Megan said.

"Why have you returned, Evan?" Ruler Abi questioned. "Our allies are in need; did I not order you to go with them?"

"Forgive my disobedience, Ruler." Evan said. "But I have to protect you, even against your orders."

"But Evan--"

"If you were to die the Rongo Books would no longer exist and our visitors would have struggled for nothing." Evan said. "The best way to help is to guard you until my last breath."

With TJ, Leone and Chelsea:

"Mom!!" TJ called out as landed.

"What the... where did she run off too?" Leone said.

"Really, such bad timing too." Chelsea said with an eye roll.

"She shouldn't be running off anywhere. Her healing isn't done yet." Leone said. "We need to find her fast." 

"Yeah, let's go. Time is not on our side."

TJ, Leone and Chelsea flew off to find Mine.

Torosu was making his way to Ruler Abi's house.

"There we are." Torosu chuckled.

"Damn, just as I feared. The enemy has learned of this place." Evan said. "He'll be here shortly."

"Come here, Megan." Ruler Abi said.

Megan without hesitation ran next to Ruler Abi and he placed his staff on Megan's head and began unlocking her latent powers.

"You must assist our friends in their attempt to unlock the Rongo Books." Ruler Abi said. "I unlocked your powers so you could fly faster. Now go, there's not much time."

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