The Sword

7 4 2

The metal of the sword was shimmering.

Light was glinting from the metal surface.

Every swing seemed to be slicing the air.

The handle felt natural in her hand.

Her fingers sensed the smooth strength of the steel.

The destructive weapon gave her power.

It made her master of all opponents. 

Every foe was on their knees to submit.

With one slice, the tree collapsed to the ground.

One thrust could penetrate a stone boulder. 

This blade left all others weak before her.

Her power was irresistible now.

Her eyes studied the shape of her weapon.

She admired the length of the great blade.

The handle fit perfectly in her hand.

The blade was frightening and beautiful. 

The sword seemed almost alive in her hand.

She felt it's virility in her palm.

The energy of the blade was in her.

Her whole being focused on its sharp point.

Her body moved in sync with the sword slice.

It flowed like a ferocious ballet dance.

It belonged in the bodies of her foes.

Satisfying her lust destruction. 

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