53. Getting to Know You

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The rest of the week went by in a blur with Draco and Sloane spending every second they were awake together, only separating to go to bed or when they had different classes. Sloane found that she felt more content and peaceful when she was with him. Apart, Draco would feel a little anxious and uneasy, which would melt away as soon as Sloane came into view.

The first week, they spent their afternoons doing their sessions or tutoring and then completing homework before spending the evening getting to know one another. Sometimes, they were alone in the dorm. Sometimes, everyone was there. Sloane told Draco all about growing up in America, the differences between the two countries, and why she found England so much more charming and peaceful. She would talk about her parents and what they were like. Draco was fascinated to learn that her father worked as an Auror, just to prove himself to her family. That her father basically gave up his life to be with the woman he loved.

A few years ago, if Draco had heard this story, he would have been horrified at a man being so...whipped. But now, Draco could completely understand Mr Sage's decision, and Draco knew he would do the exact same if asked.

The best part for Draco was listening to Sloane talk about her brother. It was a subject that he had never really heard her discuss. She was a twin. It must have been very hard to lose her brother. And yet she was such a strong person.

"Was your brother like you?" Draco asked.

"Oh Merlin, no!" Sloane laughed. "I mean, we are similar in the Quidditch team we liked—Holyhead Harpies, by the way. But that was probably it. For instance, I love Chinese food and pizza, but Sawyer hates them. I learnt how to drive, but Sawyer thought it was a waste of time. I love reading, and Sawyer thought books were for school. He smoked, and I couldn't stand it. I had tattoos, and he thought it was stupid. I loved to stay home, and he loved to go out. I worked my ass off in school, and Sawyer couldn't care."

"So you were opposites?"

"Yip. But we were each other's biggest supporters. No one cheered more during his Quidditch matches than me. Actually, he had just signed with the American team, the Sweetwater All Stars, before my mum was taken."

"Wow! They are a bloody good team!" Draco gasped, shocked to hear that they had signed someone so young.

"Yeah, they were, and I was delighted for him! Connie and I made him a cake to celebrate his contract."

"Connie?" Draco asked.

Sloane nodded. "I had a friend Connie when I started Ilvermorny that was a muggle born. She introduced me to muggle music and fashion. And I became obsessed with 80s rock and 90s pop. Sawyer thought it was just noise. He liked classic wizard bands. He was very popular in school. Every guy wanted to be him, and every girl wanted to be with him. I was a nobody. I didn't get close to anyone besides Connie."


"Well, I didn't need to. Connie was pretty great, and we spent all our time together. Until we were 15 years old and she got a boyfriend. Then we sort of grew distant. She would spend all her time with him. I mean her boyfriend I liked obviously but his friends I didn't."

"Who was her boyfriend?"

"My brother," Sloane shrugged. "At first, it was great. They were both happy, so I was happy. Then they started to hang out with his friends. Pure Blood, self-righteous idiots the lot of them. Used to think they ran the school. I didn't want to be left with them while those two were off snogging. Connie started listening to Sawyers music and would spend her time watching him play Quidditch. So I saw her less and less."

"That sucks."

"Yea, but they were in love. And happy, which was the important thing."

Draco smiled. "I am sure you miss them."

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