19: Emotion♥️

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Inspired by "Emotion" by Destiny's Child 🔥


Omniscient P.O.V

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*play music while reading

Your Name: Melanie😁

Melanie sighed as she navigated the familiar streets of her hometown, her car rolling smoothly over the asphalt beneath the warm summer sun. 

The quaint houses, each with its own unique charm, brought back a flood of memories from her childhood. It had been a while since she last visited, especially since leaving for college two years ago. Now, as she approached her family home, a mix of excitement and trepidation filled her.

The summer breeze played with her hair as she pulled into the driveway, the sound of cicadas in the background, creating a symphony of nostalgia. She played her Destiny's Child CD, and the song "Emotion" played softly through the car speakers.

She turned off the ignition and took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the reunions and inevitable run-ins that awaited her.

As Melanie stepped out of the car, the front door burst open, and her younger brother, Mase, sprinted towards her with arms wide open. 

"Melanie! You're finally home!" he exclaimed, enveloping her in a tight hug.

"Hey, Mase," she chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Missed you, big head."

Mase fixed his hair back. "My hair is off limits! Don't touch it again!"

"It's ugly regardless," She said.

"You know what, get the fuck out and go back to college! I don't want you here anymore," Mase shook his head.

Her parents emerged from the house, wearing smiles.

"Now, what's all that ruckus in here?" Her dad asked.

Melanie and Mase stopped fighting. Their dad joined them in the living room. Their mother later came in, and the three of them shared a nice group hug that lasted a minute. After their parents went into the kitchen, she stuck her tongue out at Mase, and he flipped up his middle finger. She pushed him to go in the kitchen, and he bumped hard into the wall.

"Ow!" he yelled.

The familiar scent of her mom's cooking wafted through the air. Everything seemed so comfortable, so safe.

"We made all of your favorites," Her mom said. "I know your ass loves rice!"

Melanie smiled and sat down. "I miss this! The school food got nasty after a while."

Her mom opened the oven and took out the big macaroni and cheese. She sat it right on top of the stove. 

The big bowl of rice sat right on the middle of the table. The smell of it was lingering in the air and wafted in Melanie's nose. The collard greens sat on the stove pot. The corn on the cobs and black-eyed peas simmered on the stove as well, and Melanie couldn't wait to dive in.

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