2: Sittin' Up In My Room♥️

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Inspired By "Sittin' Up In My Room" by Brandy 🔥



*play music while reading
*I deeply apologize for the blurry old photo(s)

Rowdy teens and potential college students made lots of ruckus downstairs of my home. The trashy music didn't make it any better. Peace and quiet was out of the equation tonight. My sister Ebony took this opportunity to have a party since our parents don't get back from vacation until next week.

Ignoring the distractions in the background, my hand softly touched the picture of my longtime crush in the yearbook. He was the definition of perfection in my eyes. We had most of our classes together this year, but I never talked to him. Now it's the start of summer vacation for my sister and I. Now I won't be able to see his face!

My deepest regret was never talking to him. But a guy that fine is difficult to communicate with. Having a full blown conversation with a boy period is unimaginable. I've had plenty of chances to do so. Why am I so damn timid?!

The name Mrs. Degrate ran in circles through my head. One day, that will be my last name. I hope! His face stuck in my mind, and I took the time to fantasize the two of us. My eyes were closed and prepared to live in my own future that would possibly never happen.

I bit my lip at the thought of him kissing me with his juicy lips. It was a variety of nasty things I wanted to do with him. But it's too grown for us to do in this age. It's not a crime to think about it, though!

"Y/N, why are you up here?" Ebony walked into my room and asked, interrupting me.

"You should learn how to knock, sis. Shouldn't you be down there catching yourself another boyfriend?" I said.

She sighed. "Whatever. You need to come downstairs and socialize a little. I just want you to just stop being so quiet! Make some noise a little."

"You want me to go down there with all of those molesters and rapists? No thanks. And I don't want you getting raped either, so tell everyone to go home."

Ebony sucked her teeth in annoyance. "Haha, very funny! That's okay, I'll just go tell that boy you like so much that you're not even here."

I chuckled. "What crush?"

"Don't try to play it off, Y/N. Now, don't be mad at me when I tell you this. I read your diary a — "

My pillow decked her right in her face when I threw it at her.

"Why would you do that?" I yelled.

"Come on! Like you've never done that to me! Sometimes I notice my diary isn't in the same place that I left it in. I know about you and your sneaking around trying read my secrets because I caught you yesterday."

She was absolutely right...her dumb ass really figured it out.

"But I have to tell you that I'm not mad at you because that's what sisters do. Seriously, it's taking everything inside of me not to strangle you. At the same time, I understand if you want to do the same but we can do the killings after tonight. Now, are you going to get dressed and impress Devante, or stay up here wishing you could speak to him with confidence? Tonight's your chance!" Ebony said.

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