7: Whispers♥️

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Inspired By "Whispers" by Usher 🔥
(Mr. Degrate's "whispering" and young Usher's tender voice sets the mood for the ending...)



*play music while reading

My sleepy eyes wouldn't shut. Filthy guilt filled every single part of my body. Looking around the beautiful bedroom I share with Y/N, I came to the realization that we wouldn't be able to live in our dream home anymore. After all of the decoration and cooperation, it'll all go down the drain because of me!

She was asleep without knowing what was going on with her own fiancé. Mistakes caught up to the future too soon. The wedding was just in eight months, and that could potentially be put on hold.

Without waking Y/N up, I carefully slid out of bed to put my underwear on. The mailbox needed to be checked since there could be more surprises ruining my life. But hey, the problems going on right now will actually become Y/N's problems. That's only if she doesn't leave me!

Neighbors were getting into their fancy and expensive cars to go wherever they needed to go by the time I was outside. They watched my every move. It would've been rude to throw my middle finger at all of them, so I just got my mail and walked back into the house. Arguing was the last thing on the agenda this morning. Then again, it might just happen anyway when Y/N wakes up.

After closing the front door and going into the kitchen, the hired chef stood in front of the electrical appliances.

"Good morning, Mr. Degrate!" He greeted with a smile as his heavy Greek accent flowed. "You're up early."

"That's my dad's name. Just call me Dee, Christopher!"

"Sorry, sir."

I chuckled. "It's fine. Why don't you take a day off? I'll even pay."

"Woah! Sir, thank you! But it sounds a little too good to be true, I guess."

"Don't worry. $70,000 will be waiting for you when you pick up your paycheck."

Christopher raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is everything alright? This is...new!"

"No. Everything is crashing down. So why not blow all of my money? It'll all be gone anyway. But seriously Christopher, you can go home."

I didn't have to tell him twice. Christopher was gone with the wind in a matter of seconds.

Sitting down at the dinner table, I carefully looked through every piece of mail that had my name on it. Finances were getting much worse than before. The devil himself by the name of Marion Knight Jr. had a plan all along to make me cough up all of the money I had in the bank. There's no avoiding the bills being sent from Death Row Records. Not paying them off will get me sent to jail.

"Baby!" Y/N called out.

Her footsteps pondered onto the stairs and then traveled onto the kitchen floor.

"There you are! And where's Christopher?" She asked.

"I sent him home."

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