12 pt.1: Touch Me, Tease Me♥️

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Inspired By "Touch Me Tease Me" by Case & Foxy Brown 🔥

½ of 'Touch Me, Tease Me'


Omniscient (Narrator),

*play music while reading

Summer 2004

In the world of strippers, each and every one of them carry themselves differently. Their situations can also be similar at times. Usually, stripper stories revolve around the females who either have problems with higher education (college) finances or wealth in general. That is because it seems that particular occupation is the only way to get fast money without having sex with men and/or women. Selling one's body for sex will forever be a deep scar that will cause damage to a life. Exotic dancing, on the other hand, does involve explicit content but no sex whatsoever (unless it is done on the low when in a private room.)

Although Donald, who went by Devante at his "job," comes from a home that despised very specific legal and illegal ways to receive wealth, his ambition to provide for him and his family will not stop. Life hit him right before his eyes, as in him and Y/N have a baby at a bad time in their lives. Where they currently live is pretty unspeakable.

Donald also has to deal with his child's illness. No parent wants to hear anything terrible about their kid's health, especially if they are only a few months born! Prices on food and bills go higher and higher, so the focus on the expensive medicine for baby Michael has to remain on hold until they can come up with the right amount. Prayer for the baby and faith from them are keeping him alive and giggling everyday when he wakes up, and that is all what Y/N and Donald want to see. It is a reason why he is named Michael in the first place. In the Bible, Michael is one of the archangels, which is an angel of high rank. He is destined to overcome the hardships that come in his way, and so can his hardworking parents.

"It's time," Donald sighed to his future wife. "Work is calling me."

The Walmart uniform is what he leaves the house in. He has not worked at the supermarket for a little over a year. To keep Y/N from figuring out what he really does to get his coins, that uniform saves his true underground identity. Walmart is open for 24 hours, so going in this late is what tricks her. The time on their clock read 9:45pm. Donald has time to get to his real job and get dressed...or better yet get half naked!

"Remember what I told you," Y/N reminded him.

"I know. 'Stay positive. And if I continue to pray and keep my strong ambition alive, then everything will come into place.'"

Y/N sat on her knees on their bed. Donald sat in front of her on his side of the bed, and his back was to her face. He was already dressed, and he was putting on his shoes. She got closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I hate that you have to work so late, but it is for the best. We will get the money for Michael. I know we will!" She hugged him from behind in her current position.

"Thank you for keeping hope alive. I would've given up with trying to live out on my own by now, but you just don't know how thankful I am to have you," Donald got up and turned around to see her beautiful face. "I say it every time because it's true."

caramel | devante swingWhere stories live. Discover now