4: Kiss It Better♥️

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Inspired By "Kiss It Better" by Rihanna 🔥


Omniscient (Narrator),

*play music while reading

On the east side of the city, there laid a sad, pissed, angry, and depressed Devante with his back to the world. There were so many ugly emotions going on inside of him as he dangled a gold necklace above him that used to belong to his ex girlfriend, Y/N. Their break up was so nasty that she gave the thoughtful gift right back to him. Ever since then, they haven't communicated.

He thought to himself that maybe they would still be together if he wasn't so promiscuous. This was the very first time that he's ever come to the conclusion with himself that he wasn't being loyal. Most of the time, Devante didn't think twice about a woman's feelings. Y/N wasn't just a regular woman to him, though.

He took full responsibility in her heart break. Devante wanted to know how she was doing and how she was feeling. Y/N doesn't bother to answer his calls, making him feel the way he does now. He's never felt so hurt by a woman in his lifetime! It was so new to him that he actually cried.

On the west side of the city, there laid a straight pissed off and bitter Y/N. Not only was she still stuck on being single all over again, but she couldn't grasp the idea of getting cheated on. So much for having a first love! Her heart couldn't really function like it used to since Devante took a shit on it.

Cleaning her house was the only thing that kept her mind off of him. She cleaned and dusted every room within an hour. But once she was finished, she was right back in the bitter mood. The thunderstorm outside didn't make it any better.

The lights in her house flickered on and off as the booming thunder blasted. She got up and lit numerous candles all throughout the house just in case the power goes out. This was the type of weather where her and Devante would either make love or cuddle.

Oh well! Those days are over now.

Little did she know, he kept her on his mind. Devante's power later went out, leaving him in a pitch black apartment. Now that he has no female to cuddle with, he doesn't know what to do. Staying there gave him an eerie feeling.

It was so dark that he literally had to feel the floor so he can find his Nike slides! And he had to crawl and find where his closet was so he can get his jacket.

This was the perfect day to make a move. He was ready to win Y/N back, and there was no stopping him. In rain or shine, his goal was set on her. He didn't seem to care about the obstacles along the way to her house.

Devante made sure everything was locked and secured before he ran out to his car. His body was extremely soaked and wet. The windshield wipers aggressively went back and forth to make the view more clear. He put the key into the ignition and backed out of his driveway.

The radio played Y/N's favorite song that surprisingly used to give Devante a headache. She played it almost everyday of the week! But this time was different because listening to it now made him think of an image of her singing along to the lyrics.

The sight of the rain made him reminisce as he sat at the stop light.

The sight of the rain made him reminisce as he sat at the stop light

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