10: Hot Boyz♥️

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Inspired By "Hot Boyz" by Missy Elliott 🔥


Omniscient (Narrator),

*play music while reading

"The people need to see us on that stage..."

4 young black and ambitious junior and freshman college students that were currently having financial troubles as a whole were working in order to survive. Whether it was feeding rich celebrities or scrubbing floors at McDonald's, anything was better than facing the streets. Only the Lord knows how much they didn't want to get caught up in selling products that could potentially get them killed. There were other legal and safer ways that leads to money.

Joel, Donald, Dalvin, and Cedric all had to have a job so they can save up for a better living space, along with food and gas money. Sleepless nights for them were harsh, but the green had to keep coming.

A night never flew by without prayer. Everyday, they would pray for each other to stay healthy and have angels with them for protection. Fame needed to be earned the correct way, and they also prayed for guidance on their journey to make it to the top. Even though they didn't have much, they were thankful!

Tonight some of the employees at The Smith restaurant joined the catering crew for extra dollar bills to be put in their pockets, including Donald and the rest of the chocolate kings. The most pleasurable concert had to have one of the most popular food joints to come and serve the V.I.P guests.

The MTV Megafest was a concert that drew the biggest crowds full of teens and adults since it was a friendly but smashing event. Rappers didn't use any profanity, and neither did the R&B superstars. It could be enjoyed by any age. The tickets were way too expensive for the young men to afford, but at least they got to work and catch a glimpse of the bash of the year. Being called "the help" sort of ruined their time being there to help out. Keeping their composure was a bit of a challenge. Celebrities that they've only seen on television was right in front of them, partying and not giving a damn about anything else. The surreal experience was going to be forever in their minds for as long as they live. The minute Dalvin saw tantalizing Mariah Carey walk passed him with 2 of her supermodel friends, he screamed like a girl! It was already noise and commotion everywhere, so he didn't completely embarrass himself. But there were a couple of stares from nearby people.

"Bitches sure love lobster!" Donald joked, looking into the long, rectangular silver pan that was almost empty.

"They love this mushroom pasta mess, too. I mean, what's so special about mushrooms? They're disgusting!" Cedric shook his head just thinking about someone even putting it in their mouth.

"No one's even bothering to eat whatever salmon shit this is..." Joel rolled his eyes at the fact that he has yet to give out what he had to offer. "I should've just grabbed a tray and gave away drinks with Y/N! But no, boss man wants us to do this."

The music that was playing below them on the lower level had came to a halt, and the lights down there had dimmed.

"Alright, y'all. Give it up for Tribe Called Quest..." The hottest DJ from the radio station that everyone listened to had announced smoothly and calmly with his deep voice.

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