9: Baby Girl♥️

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Inspired By "Baby Girl" by Matt Martians 🔥


Omniscient (Narrator),

*play music while reading


His heart was drug through the dirt so many times. Saying "I love you" to the wrong female was frequent. Searching for someone who he could spend the rest of his life with was difficult due to the amount of hoes in his city. It was always something with Devante's uninteresting love life!

"When will I find Cinderella?!" He muttered angrily.

A couple that looked to be a few years older than him appeared to be holding each other's hands while seated in a booth. Devante didn't want to stare at them too long.

He sat by himself at Applebee's on his lunch break. Devante wanted to invite some of his coworkers, but they irritated the fuck out of him. All they wanted to talk about were their plans to surprise their significant others tomorrow while he sat there stressing his day away.

This year, Valentine's Day fell perfectly on a Friday. Bad luck always came around the day before the holiday. It had never been Devante's fault, but he always failed to realize it. His choice of women was the major problem!

The same traumatizing event has happened for the past 5 years; his "girlfriend" ends up sleeping with Dalvin. Devante constantly beats himself up internally about not being good enough. All of his old allegations towards the previous girls he dated were 100 percent true.

He wasn't hungry anymore, so he asked for his check and paid it off. In fact, he was in such a deep funk that he didn't bother to give a single tip to the generous waiter. More than half of his fried chicken salad wasn't eaten, nor put in a to-go box! Devante wasted his time and money on food that he knew he wasn't capable of finishing. He could never eat with a lot on his mind.

His phone rang in his left pocket as he got into his car. The one person that he thinks might screw his feelings was the one trying her best to reach him. [Y/N] lit up on his screen. There were no emojis next to her name because of Devante's thoughts about her probably not sticking around in his life long enough. She had to earn them and prove that she deserved it.

"Hello?" He greeted with a major attitude.

On the other side of the line, Y/N caught on to his bad energy. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. What you want?" Devante rudely asked.

"'WHaT yOU WaNt?'" Y/N mocked him. "That's how I know something's wrong because of your tone."

"I told you already, girl. It's nothing."

"I called you to see what you were doing, but you sound like you're...fucking done with life. You say there's nothing bugging you, but I know is." Y/N said.

"That's cute. You're acting like you're sooooo concerned. But really, you want me to come over to your place and dick you down when you know my lunch break isn't that damn long. Shame on you."

caramel | devante swingWhere stories live. Discover now