3: Fantasy♥️

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Inspired By "Fantasy" by Mariah Carey 🔥



*play music while reading

It was five o'clock on the dot as I patiently waited for my date to arrive at the amusement park. He was going to show up any minute, and my heart raced faster! My eyes were looking back and forth from the clock to the mirror on the sun visor. Everything had to look in tact.

"Y/N, I don't feel like this is a good idea of you going in such a big place alone with a boy! I don't know why your mom even considered this!" My dad argued.

"Dad, I'm going to be fine. Devante's a good kid and mom and I trust him."

"You two might, but I don't. These horny fifteen year old boys out here having sex. I shouldn't even let you out of the house!"

"Come on! He's not going to do anything bad. It's a reason why I agreed to a date."

"Why did you two choose a place like this anyway?"

I rolled my eyes and skimmed the long line out in the front. Out of all of the people, a familiar looking jean jacket had my attention. When the guy turned around, I saw Devante!

"Dad, he's here! He's here!" I said, letting him know. "Bye, love you! I'll call when I'm ready!"

He sighed. "Fuck! Not so fast! You know the rules. No kissing, no touching, no feeling on each other, and absolutely NO KISSING, NO TOUCHING, AND NO FEELING ON EACH OTHER! You do know that I'm not driving all the way back home and driving back to come and get you. I'm staying! Carowinds is far from home. There's no way I'm staying parked in this parking lot until you come out. Tell you what, I'll pay for you, but that Devante kid is going to pay for himself. Now come on, we're greeting him together."

This dream fantasy quickly turned into a nightmare! It couldn't get any worse. The privacy that Devante and I was supposed to have has now vanished! We walked up to him, and he immediately gave me a hug as soon I came into his sight.

But my dad cleared his throat. I gently pushed his body off of me. Devante furrowed his eyebrows and looked at my dad. He gulped in deep fear.

"You're the child trying to show my daughter a good time, huh?" My dad started to grill him.

"Yes sir. I promise I won't hurt her!"

"I bet you won't because I'm not leaving Y/N all alone so you can't try your little tricks and — "

"Dad!" I yelled.

He put his finger in my face. "Cut it out, Y/N!"

Devante had a really scared look on his face as the pep talk continued. Once we paid and entered into the world of rides and fun, I had a plan.

"Your dad is intimidating!" Devante cried, whispering so my dad can't hear since he followed behind us.

"I know. But don't worry because we're going to lose him!" I whispered aloud back since the commotion in the background was filled with people of all ages screaming in complete joy.

caramel | devante swingWhere stories live. Discover now