14: Always Be My Baby♥️

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Inspired by "Always Be My Baby" by Mariah Carey 🔥

** Disregard my lack of writing talent



*play music while reading (optional)

The local residents of the city gathered to their one and only movie theater. The mid September release date of Rush Hour is why the theater is so packed tonight, and anxious Y/N waits near the entrance to find her date for the night. People push her around a little because they try to get passed her. Someone even caused Y/N to bump into a cardboard cutout of Jackie Chan! She pulls out some lip gloss from her purse and squeezes some onto her lips. Rubbing her lips together, she spots her date and feels her heart start to beat faster and harder.

He may be one of the tallest people in the building, and he is also tall enough for everyone to notice. She quickly fixes her hair and adjusts her burgundy overall dress so she could look her best before the fine piece of caramel could see her. Waving her hand to catch his attention, he finally notices and goes over to Y/N with a weak smile.

As he gets closer, Y/N looks beside him. His brother is walking and holds his head down. The plan was to be alone with Devante, but it looks like that would not be the case. But then again, maybe he's here to meet his friends?

"Hi," she shyly says.

"Hey," Devante steps closer to her as Dalvin stands a few feet behind him. "I have to watch him tonight. Sorry it was so last minute. I hope I didn't ruin the night."

"Damn!" She swears in her mind.

"It's fine. I understand," Y/N shrugs and walks over to his brother. "Hey Dalvin!"

He looks up and waves, not saying a word. She chooses not to be so negative about this. Having his brother cannot be that bad. Besides, he seriously looked like he was already having a bad day before coming. Making it worse would only make her feel guilty.

Heading to the long snack line, Y/N starts to crave the taste of popcorn. "Do you guys want anything?"

"No," they answer in unison.

"Um, okay..." She shrugs and proceeds to try to obtain cash from her purse. Maybe having his little brother tag along won't be that bad. Y/N will not let any more negative thoughts cloud her mind.

The brothers stand awkwardly near the line, looking around their surroundings. Happy people of all ages gather in clusters, talking about the most anticipated film that will soon be playing. The strong smell of popcorn fill their noses, activating Devante's stomach to growl, but he fights his urge of hunger. It has been a while since he even had his favorite candy, the Nerds Rope. He could just taste it as he eyes it through the glass display with all of the available candy next to the cashier.

"How much money do you have? I don't have any," Dalvin avoiding eye contact, scared of Devante's reaction.

"What happened to the money I just gave you three fucking days ago?" Devante furiously sighs.

caramel | devante swingWhere stories live. Discover now