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[ inspired by "THE NEWS" by partynextdoor ]


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DeVante holds the hands of what seems to be children. He looks down to see a little boy clutching onto his right hand, and a little girl is doing the same with his left. A faint scream startled him, making DeVante look up from them really fast. He noticed a huge colorful roller coaster a few feet in front of them, sparkling up in the air behind the hot dog concession. Faint laughter was heard from the other people that were running around behind them. He starts to try to think about where he is, but it becomes quite obvious that he is at an amusement park once he fully grasped the atmosphere. There were huge game booths and food concessions lining up and down along the fair, brightly shining from the lights attached to them. A loud boom sound from the sky caused him and the children to look up, and there were fireworks exploding and shimmering in all colors. 

"Daddy, I'm scared of fireworks!" The little girl let go of his hand and hugged his leg tightly with her arm, leaning her ear on his leg and covering her other ear with her free hand.

"Stop being so scared of everything!" The little boy argued.

Sticking her tongue out at him, the little girl continued to hold on to DeVante and block out the loud noises from the fireworks.

"I got the ice cream!" A beautiful girl was walking up to the 3 of them with ice cream cones in her hands. "I hope you kids didn't give daddy a hard time."

DeVante recognized her voice, and as she came closer with a smile on her face, he knew it was Y/N. Her body was curvier, which wasn't a problem at all since he thought she was beautiful regardless of body shape. Y/N handed each of them a cone and gave both of the kids a kiss of their cheeks before stepping on her tippy toes to give DeVante one on his lips. After that, he licked his lips and started eating his ice cream.

"Mommy, I'm scared of the noise!" Their daughter said.

"Aw, come here," Y/N picked her up and held her. "I used to be scared of fireworks myself when I was little."

DeVante saw a very strong resemblance between those two. This was a nice little family moment he never thought he would witness. A random man that was walking by accidentally drops a piece of fried fish, and the kids carelessly laugh at him.

"Where's yours?" He asked Y/N, grabbing her left hand to examine the ring on her finger while taking a lick off his strawberry ice cream.

"I'm more in the mood for a funnel cake," Y/N shrugged.

She noticed that their daughter's shoe was untied, so she put her down and bent over to tie it. DeVante looked down at Y/N's back and gasped at what he saw. There were bloody knives literally stabbed in her back. He counted them, and there were exactly 7 of them. Blood was oozing out of her back and onto the knives.

"Y/N! YOUR BACK!" DeVante dropped his cone and let go of his son's hand.

"What about it?" She asked while standing back up.

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