Chapter 4

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When Laurel arrived in Gotham, she knew what she needed to do, which was get Batman's attention and luckily, Gotham had long since developed a way to call him when they needed him, she just needed to find it, since Gotham didn't exactly make it easy for just anyone to find the Bat signal, clearly you needed to know someone who knew where it was. Or in Laurel's case, know someone who could find anything.

She'd had her step sister Felicity use her access to satellite tech to locate where Gotham kept the Bat Signal, which was of course, on top of the GCPD, which made it very difficult for Laurel to find a way to the spotlight, but luckily, one thing Gotham had in common with Star City was the level of corruption, so all Laurel had to do was pay off the right cop to get access to the precinct's roof so that she could turn on the Bat signal her first night in Gotham.

She wasn't sure what she expected after she turned on the Bat signal, but she wasn't expecting the caped crusader to take so long to show up, but then again, she'd never done this before.

Just as she was about to get her phone out to play a game while she waited when suddenly she heard someone land on the roof and turned to see Batman standing there.

"Wow, you're real." Laurel said, since she'd honestly been on the fence about whether or not Batman existed until now.

"Who are you and why are you using the Bat signal, since you're clearly not GCPD and I don't appreciate being summoned for selfies." Batman said and Laurel couldn't tell if the grumpiness in his voice was due to his obvious vocal modulator or if he was really that annoyed.

"I didn't sneak my way up here to get a selfie. I need your help." Laurel said.

"And what exactly is it you need help with?" Batman asked as he turned his back on her, preparing to leave and now Laurel was glad he was being a dick, since now it gave her a perfect excuse to show off her new power, which was why she unleashed her canary cry on him, sending him flying to the other end of the roof.

"Ok, now I see why you called. And I deserved that." Batman said, glad that his suit was designed to at least protect his ears from the pain of sonic attacks, which meant that he wasn't rendered temporarily deaf by her attack.

"I live in Star City, a place that's almost as crime ridden as Gotham and I was given a gift for some reason that I don't know why, but I want to use it to protect my city the same way you protect yours. But I need someone to teach me how, since I can't just rely on my power, especially since I have no idea how I got it or even how to control it." Laurel said.

"Are you sure you want to do this? After all, it's a big commitment that not just anyone can make. You need to be prepared for the challenges of living a double life and I need to know that you won't quit the moment training gets hard, because I won't be taking it easy on you." Batman said, since the only reason he was even considering it was because he could tell that she was going to do this either way, so he might as well make sure she didn't get herself killed. Or more importantly, make sure she didn't accidentally kill someone with that cry of hers.

"When do we start?" Laurel asked and Batman nodded.

"Just remember, once we start, we're not stopping and this will be dangerous." Batman said.

"I know what I'm signing up for. I know that this won't be easy, but that's why I came here in the first place. To learn from someone who's been doing this long enough to know how dangerous it is." Laurel said and Batman nodded as he wrote down an address on a piece of paper he produced from his suit and handed it to her.

"Meet me at this address tomorrow at 9am sharp. We'll begin training then. Just remember, I warned you and if you decide to quit after we start, I'll do everything I can to make sure you never get the chance to protect your city, since if you can't take my training regiment, then you're not ready to protect your home." Batman said as Laurel took the paper and she could tell he was serious.

"I told you, I'm in and when I commit to something like this, I don't back out until I've seen it through. I want to learn, the question really is, do you want to teach me?" Laurel asked and she could've sworn that Batman almost smiled at that.

"Good answer. I'll see you then." Batman said as he pulled off one his famous exits, leaving Laurel alone on the roof of GCPD to sneak off it before someone found her.

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