Chapter 9

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I'm planning on giving Oliver a new sidekick, another archer on the team, someone like Roy or Thea, since they won't be in this story, they'll both be in Artemis. I want it to be a guy character, and he will take on the name of Red Arrow. I just can't decide who it should be. I'm curious who you all think it should be. Right now my top choices are either Conner Hawke or an alternate version of William Clayton, but I'm curious about who you all think it should be. Please do not say Tommy, I have a different plan in mind for him that I will not be revealing.

"Okay, Felicity, what is it that required us to cut tonight's training session short?" Laurel asked as she and Dawn entered the bunker, which was located underneath CNRI, since Laurel had taken a job there after she returned and Bruce had even bought the firm to keep it open, since when Laurel had returned, CNRI was barely able to get by, since it wasn't considered a very high priority at the time. Now the place was fully stocked with the best equipment and they had access to more resources than they'd had in the old reality, but Laurel didn't care about that. She was just happy to see CNRI back in action, since she'd always been happier about the work she did at CNRI than she ever had about her work at the DA's office. Especially since she was now in charge of the office and she had her own private office in the back, which was also where one of the entrances to the bunker, which was a secret elevator hidden behind a fake wall in her office that was triggered by Laurel using the digital picture frame she kept on her desk that was frozen on a picture of her and Oliver at their high school prom, since that was a very special moment for her, since that was the night she'd known that she was in love with Oliver Queen and it was the first time he'd ever told her that he loved her.

Anyways, the new bunker was much more advanced than the old one and Laurel had also been relieved that her lair was much more advanced than the honestly ancient tech Bruce used in the Batcave, she didn't know why he'd never bothered to upgrade his tech, but anyways, the new bunker was actually built into a network of tunnels beneath Star City, something Laurel had taken advantage of by having Felicity establish surveillance in tunnel, subway station, maintenance shaft and sewer so that they could find Malcolm's Undertaking devices in case he managed to finish them before Oliver killed him.

Anyways, this bunker was much bigger and had numerous sections. Like the old one, in the center of the bunker was Felicity's mission control center, which was on a raised, circular platform. Right next to that was the team's meeting table and to the right were at this time, two cases containing blank mannequins, though that was only because Laurel and were wearing their suits.

The bunker also contained a fully stocked armory that right now only contained guns, even though no one on the team used them, Laurel kept them so that Felicity and Abigail could use them to protect themselves in case the Bunker was ever detected, along with bo staffs, tonfas and darts like the ones Dawn used, though Laurel was sure that bows and arrows would be joining them soon. Next to the armory was the training area where Laurel trained Dawn in combat and it was also where the team medic, Abigail Sawyer, was currently pummelling a punching bag, though her preferred area was the bunker's medbay, which was an improvement over the old bunker, since Oliver had never put one in before, but now they did and Abby's one rule about the med bay was that no one was allowed to mess around in there when she wasn't in it, since she took her role as team doctor very seriously. The bunker also had a vehicle bay that was stocked with several vigilante style bikes that had numerous features built into them and there were only two right now, each one was patterned after its owner.

"First thing's first, how was your first night of actually getting to do something in the field Dawn?" Felicity asked her girlfriend, who smiled.

"It was great. It's nice that Laurel is finally letting me punch out the bad guys." Dawn said.

"Trust me Felicity, that is going to do wonders for your relationship, since now Dawn has an outlet where she can literally punch out her frustrations." Laurel said and Felicity rolled her eyes, but Laurel couldn't help but notice how different her sister was with Dawn compared to how she was with Oliver. Now Felicity was calmer and not as judgemental, like she wasn't going to second guess everything Dawn did like she had Oliver. Laurel smiled at how protective Felicity was of Dawn out in the field.

"Very funny Laurel, but what happened?" Felicity asked, the reason she called completely leaving her mind when she noticed Dawn holding her left arm in a position that clearly indicated that it was in pain as she rushed to Dawn's side.

"One of the punks we were fighting got a lucky shot in, but don't worry, you should see the other guy." Dawn tried to assure her girlfriend, to no avail.

"You're letting Abby look you over, no arguing." Felicity said and Laurel chuckled at just how dominant Felicity was in this relationship. She'd never been like that in her relationship with Oliver.

"It's cute that she thinks she has a choice." Abby said with a smile as she joined them.

"Seriously Abby?" Dawn asked.

"You know the rules. Now get to the med bay." Abby said.

"Okay." Dawn groaned as Felicity cupped her face.

"You're lucky you're cute, but you've got to stop fussing over me." Dawn said.

"Yeah, keep dreaming." Felicity said as she let Abby take Dawn away.

"I swear, you need to put a ring on that girl already, because you were never like this with Oliver." Laurel said, since she knew that J'onn had paid Felicity a visit a few days ago.

"That's actually why I called you back. He's been found and we have a guest." Felicity said and Laurel smiled as John Diggle entered the bunker.

"I'm surprised you haven't come by sooner." Laurel said as she hugged him.

"I've been busy making sure your boyfriend stays alive until he is rescued." Dig said.

"You are planning on being his girlfriend again right, because honestly, you filled that role a lot better than I did." Felicity said.

"That depends on him, but I hope so. And I am definitely looking forward to handing leadership of this operation to Oliver. He made being a leader and mentor look so easy." Laurel said.

"I know what you mean." John said.

"Yeah Felicity told me about that and that reminds me." Laurel said as she punched John's arm as hard as she could.

"I take it Felicity told you about our fight?" John asked as he rubbed his arm.

"Yeah and I have to say, real dick move, throwing away your friendship and breaking the first rule of the corp abandoning your brother over something as petty as a hood." Laurel said.

"Trust me Laurel, no one is more angry at me about that than I am. That's why I'm going to tell Oliver that you should be his second in command, since I don't think I should be trusted with that kind of authority again." John said.

"You made a mistake John. But if you ever try anything that again, I will scream you all the way to Central City. But anyways, I'm gonna call Cisco, see if your suit's ready and also make sure that Oliver can step up as the Green Arrow as soon as possible and then we need to get to the Queen Mansion to help set up for the welcome home party." Laurel said.

"You two go. I'll find an excuse for Dawn and then meet you there. Especially considering how awkward it will be." Felicity said and Laurel and Dig both nodded as Laurel went to change before she and John headed out.

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