Chapter 18

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Malcolm Merlyn was surprised when Dr. Thomas Blossom burst into his office, looking panicked.

"Thomas, what an unexpected surprise. However, something tells me this is not a pleasure." Malcolm said, looking annoyed though, since he was under the impression that he'd given this doctor orders never to come to him directly.

"We have a problem and I wanted to tell you in person to ensure that no one would listen in." Thomas said.

"Fine, what is it?" Malcolm asked.

"Well for starters, my bank accounts have been frozen, including the hidden one I used to transfer the money you wanted me to pay to various city officials. Also, those same officials are calling me telling that they've been getting visits from your enforcer, or some other lunatic with a bow and arrow and they're also saying that they're changing their testimony against Abigail Sawyer." Thomas said.

"So?" Malcolm asked, since honestly, he could care less about Blossom himself, since it was really just his influence and connections from the hospital that made him useful. Honestly, if it weren't for that, he probably would've let Blossom be convicted.

"I wanted to know why you're going back on your word and attacking the people you've been paying off?" Blossom asked.

"It's simple. I'm not. Though honestly, if I were you, I'd watch your tone, since the only reason I put up with you is because you have useful connections. But if you don't watch yourself, I'm sure I can find someone else to handle your jobs without having to cover up you harassing an innocent doctor." Malcolm said.

"I'm just saying, if whoever is responsible for what's going on so far realizes that it trails back to you." Blossom said and Malcolm nodded, since he understood Blossom's point.

"I see your point. This could pose a problem to my mission. However, I'm starting to wonder what exactly you have to offer anymore." Malcolm said, since honestly, Thomas Blossom had been a thorn in his side for years.

"We had a deal. I help you keep your plans on track and in return, along with what you pay me, you promise me a place at your side in rebuilding this city." Blossom said.

"I'm aware of what our deal was. However, I'm unclear about what exactly you have to offer anymore, since honestly, it sounds like it's going to cost me more to keep you out of trouble than it did initially and honestly, if I'd known what you were when I first brought you in, I never would've associated myself with you. You're a predator who preys on anyone weaker than yourself." Malcolm said in disgust.

"How are you any different from me? After all, we're both using our influence in this city to do whatever the hell we want? My only regret is that I didn't ensure that Sawyer couldn't talk." Blossom said as Malcolm decided that he'd had enough, so he called one of his enforcers, Ishmael, into his office.

"You called boss?" Ishmael asked.

"Please escort Mr. Blossom back to his home until you hear otherwise from me. Make sure that he stays alive." Malcolm said, making it clear that was all Ishmael needed to do. Not do anything else. Besides, Malcolm was certain that whoever this new archer was, he'd be paying a visit to Blossom and when he did, Malcolm would let him do whatever he wanted to Thomas, but first, he wanted to see how this archer did against a trained assassin like Ishmael, since he was one of his top soldiers. He wanted to see how much of a threat this new archer would be to his plans. Which he made sure to let Ishmael know. Though he'd send that message to Ishmael when this fool wasn't able to hear it.

"Thank you Malcolm." Blossom said, having no idea that Malcolm had just cut him loose.

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