Chapter 10

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Oliver couldn't believe how different Star City looked as he looked out the window of the limo he and his mother were as they drove back to the Queen mansion.

"You okay?" Moira asked.

"Yeah, just surprised by how much the city's changed." Oliver said, telling a version of the truth, though what he was really surprised by was how peaceful the city looked, how bright. Blissfully unaware of all the darkness festering below the surface. All the lying, the corruption, the evil that this city bred. The only city he knew of that was worse than Star City was Gotham. And like Gotham, Oliver knew that if Star City was going to be able to survive whatever was coming their way, then it would need someone to protect it. And while he knew that role was already being filled here, he also knew that the city's current guardian angel would likely be more than eager enough to hand those responsibilities off to him, since he got a feeling that by now, Laurel had figured out that being the city's primary hero wasn't as easy or glorious as he made it look. And that was when his thoughts turned to a much more positive subject.

Laurel. While he hoped that she had still waited for him even though he hadn't come back like he said he would, that didn't mean she would and he wouldn't blame her, especially if she remembered just how unfaithful he'd been to her in the old reality. But he knew that even if she remembered, Laurel wasn't the kind of person who'd be unfaithful. It just wasn't in her nature. And her nature was also very forgiving, something that Oliver knew better than most, even though he did not deserve her forgiveness.

"The city has certainly grown in the five years you were away." Moira said.

"Including the fact that there's a new name on the Queen Consolidated building. Or did you somehow think I wouldn't notice?" Oliver asked with a smirk.

"Oliver." Moira said.

"Don't worry mom. I'm not mad. I never really wanted the company in the first place. But is Emiko okay with the fact that she'll never run the company?" Oliver asked, since he knew that running Queen Consolidated had been his sister's dream.

"She's come to terms with it, especially since she knew the board would never back her as CEO anyways since they think she's adopted and even if they knew the truth, they'd never back an illegitimate child." Moira said.

"Do you think we'll ever be able to tell the world the truth?" Oliver asked.

"Maybe someday." Moira said.

"So, what have I missed? How are my sisters doing?" Oliver asked and Moira smiled.

"Well Emiko is currently overseas with the Peace Corps and she's really found her calling there." Moira said and Oliver couldn't stop himself from chuckling at the thought of Emiko, who in the old reality was the leader of a terrorist organization, was now helping people with the Peace Corps.

"And Thea?" Oliver asked.

"That's a more complicated story." Moira said as Oliver's heart dropped.

"What happened?" Oliver asked.

"After the Gambit went down, Thea spiraled, especially after she found out a secret I was keeping from her." Moira said.

"You mean how her real father is Malcolm Merlyn." Oliver asked, resisting the urge to add that Malcolm was the devil in human form. Or at least one of them.

"You know?" Moira asked.

"Dad told me before he died. I think he was trying to clear his conscience before he took his own life." Oliver said, not mentioning all the other secrets he knew.

"I'm sorry Oliver." Moira said.

'It's fine mom. Honestly, I'm just happy to be alive. And from what I could tell, as far as dad was concerned, you and he were even, since you both had illegitimate children and as far as he was concerned, Thea was as much his daughter as Emiko is yours." Oliver said and Moira smiled.

"Anyways, you were telling me how Thea was spiraling?" Oliver asked.

"Right, she started partying and drinking even more than you did before you joined the army." Moira said.

"Please tell me she's not still." Oliver asked.

"No, after about a year, she went away to a special facility in Europe where she got the help she needed. She's doing much better now." Moira said.

"So she's back at home?" Oliver asked.

"Actually, while she visits from time to time, Thea actually lives in San Francisco with this new boyfriend of hers, who I can't believe she actually has." Moira said.

"And this boyfriend's name is?" Oliver asked, even though he was pretty sure he knew.

"Roy Harper. He's some lowlife from the Glades." Moira said, making it clear that no matter how highly Thea spoke of Roy, Moira did not trust him and Oliver had to chuckle, though he was happy that in this reality, Roy had pulled his head out of his ass and was back with Thea.

"Well, I guess I'll have to size him up, since I'm assuming that Thea dragged him back here with her, since I'm assuming that she wouldn't miss my homecoming." Oliver said.

"You're right on both counts." Moira said.

"I can't wait to see Thea again." Oliver said.

"But I'm guessing there's someone else you'd much rather talk about." Moira said and Oliver nodded.

"Laurel." Oliver said.

"She's good. Like your sister, she also needed to leave Star City for a few years so she could fully process her grief, only she went to Gotham City." Moira said, not knowing that Oliver already knew all of this.

"But she's back in Star City now right?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, in fact, she runs her own nonprofit law firm now." Moira said.

"Really." Oliver asked, knowing that Laurel likely loved this work more than any work she'd ever done at the DA's office.

"Yes. Apparently instead of seeking help from us to set it up, she reached out to a billionaire in Gotham to help her start it." Moira said, clearly a bit upset about that and Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Is she?" Oliver asked.

"No, she's not dating anyone. I don't think she ever truly got over you. Which means I expect you to do what you were planning on doing after your boat trip five years ago." Moira said, since Oliver had been planning on proposing to Laurel when he got back from his trip.

"Not yet mom. Even if Laurel and I do reignite that spark, we're both different people than we were five years ago. I think we need to work our way back up to that point." Oliver said, though it was clear that Laurel joining their family was still his eventual game plan.

"I guess I can understand that." Moira said with a smile as they pulled up to the Mansion and Oliver couldn't but smile at the fact that it was once again his home.

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