Chapter 34

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Malcolm Merlyn was currently in his office at Merlyn Global, working on some of his normal business, since despite the fact that he was a sociopath, he was also a businessman, but he was also watching the news, since one of his many abilities was multitasking. However, he turned his full attention to the news when he them mention the Green Arrow's latest takedown.

"Once again, the people of Star City are left to wonder about the identity of the city's new silent avenger, the masked vigilante known as the Green Arrow, who has brought down one of the city's most elusive and notorious crime bosses, Daniel "Brick" Brickwell, nicknamed that because of his thick skull. Police Detective Quentin Lance released a statement earlier this morning saying that while the department does not condone acts of vigilantism, he acknowledges that the Green Arrow and his team have definitely helped this city in ways that the police can't always. The SCPD has also stated that when Brick was delivered on their doorstep this morning, there was a flash drive wrapped around his neck that provided all the evidence needed to tie all of his crimes to him, including the long past death of upstanding and beloved Star City citizen, Rebecca Merlyn." the news anchor said and Malcolm froze at hearing that before pulling out his phone.

"Get me in touch with our man in the SCPD. Tell him I need a word with him and I'm not asking." Malcolm said to his second in command of the Thanatos Guild, Athena.

"He's already on his way over. I figured you'd want to speak with him after news of Brickwell's capture was released. Should I inform your son of this?" Athena asked.

"No, Tommy has his own mission in Hub City and learning about this will only distract him. We'll inform him only after I handle this situation." Malcolm said.

"Understood. Will this impact our plans at all?" Athena asked.

"No, but I think this does prove that the Green Arrow is a bigger threat than we anticipated. We need to start thinking about taking him out of the picture before he does become a problem to the Undertaking. The more I think about it, the more I realize that several of his targets are on the list." Malcolm said.

"Understood. I'll assemble the Guild to begin preparing at once." Athena said.

"Good. Let's get to work." Malcolm said, unaware that every word they'd just said been overheard by the Green Arrow and his team.

"You were right, he took the bait hook, line and sinker." Rene said to Oliver as they, along with Joh, Felicity, Abby, Dawn and Laurel all listened in to the bug Oliver had planted in Malcolm's office.

"One thing Malcolm and I have in common, the women we love are our weakness. We don't always think clearly." Oliver said, looking over at Laurel as he said that.

"That's why you assembled this team. For when your head isn't thinking clearly." Laurel said.

"Yep. But my point is that if Malcolm was thinking clearly, he might've considered that this was a trap, since it's way too convenient that he just happened to learn about this." Oliver said.

"But all he can think about is avenging his wife. Nothing else matters besides that." John said.

"So, are you going to kill him?" Dawn asked.

"No. Not yet. This part of the plan is just to expose him, which will hopefully push back the Undertaking even more. Once the city sees him for the monster he really is, then I'm gonna do what I should've done in the old reality and take his head off instead of his hand. John, Rene, suit up." Oliver said.

"What, what about me?" Dawn asked.

"No way, you're still too green to fight someone like Merlyn. You don't have the necessary experience or training to fight him and win." Oliver said.

"The only person in this room who does have the skill to beat Merlyn is Oliver. He's the only person besides Ra's al Ghul who's ever beaten him. Rene and I are just there as backup." John said and Oliver nodded.

"Fine. Besides, I have something to check out in the meantime." Dawn said.

"Any chance you'll clue us in?" Laurel asked.

"Not until I've confirmed what it is. Besides, you guys need to focus your attention on the big bad. I'll be fine." Dawn said.

"Okay then, suit up and move out." Oliver said.

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