Chapter 15

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That night, after the party, Laurel decided it was time to tell Oliver about the two team members that Oliver had not yet met. Dawn Granger and Abigail Sawyer.

"So, you recruited Felicity's girlfriend, who I look forward to seeing in action for myself to see just how good a teacher you are," Oliver said and Laurel chuckled.

"Well, I'm not sure if she'll be quite as good as you, but my teacher was trained by one of the many people who trained you." Laurel said, since Oliver and Bruce Wayne had both been trained by Ra's al Ghul.

"Except your teacher left Ra's alive. Something tells me I'm going to have to correct that mistake at some point, since it's only a matter of time until he decides to take out either Star City or Gotham." Oliver said.

"But from what John told me, killing him will create another enemy." Laurel said.

"I can deal with Talia if I need to. She might have been my teacher once, but if she becomes a threat to my city again, I will put her down." Oliver said and Laurel nodded.

"Anyways, I'll be testing Dawn in the future, but after she's healed up, who's this other person?" Oliver asked as he looked at the file on Abigail Sawyer.

"Abby. I made one improvement to the team that you honestly should've made from the beginning. I gave us an actual team medic with real medical training so we wouldn't have to come up with excuses for being injured at the hospital anymore." Laurel said and Oliver nodded.

"Never really thought about it. But what's this about her having her medical license suspended?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, that's because of our legal system. Abby was originally one of the best doctors at Star City General, until she was sexually harassed by her administrator, Thomas Blossom and while she fought him off, he fired her and had her blacklisted and barred from practicing medicine and he even pressed assault charges against for the broken nose, black eyes, and dislocated jaw she gave him so that she couldn't report him for sexual harassment without opening herself up to lawsuits about trying to defame her former employer." Laurel said.

"And you didn't do anything about it?" Oliver asked.

"The way I met her was that she came to my office to ask for my legal advice and her father was a police officer before he was forced into retirement when he tried to investigate her claims and my dad is still trying to find a way around whatever strings Blossom pulled to get Abby's father fired to go after him." Laurel said.

"And the Black Canary didn't approach him?" Oliver asked.

"I've been trying to operate under the radar, since I've been waiting for you to come home to be Star City's hero." Laurel said.

"You'd be right. But how did Abby get involved in this life?" Oliver asked.

"She patched me up after I got into a particularly bad fight and she's also a magic user." Laurel said.

"Really." Oliver said, thinking that would come in handy.

"Yeah, her anger over what happened to her caused her powers to pop up and it's one of the reasons I recruited her. I put her in touch with Bruce, who put her in touch with an old friend of yours Esrin Fortuna, who taught Abby how to use her magic." Laurel said and Oliver nodded.

"I'm assuming that the only reason Abby doesn't go out into the field is because she doesn't want to hurt people?" Oliver asked and Laurel nodded.

"Like Caitlin, she takes her oath very seriously. She wants to help people, not hurt them. She says she'll leave that for the rest of us." Laurel said and Oliver nodded.

"In that case, I think you should start preparing a lawsuit against the hospital, since once I'm done with Thomas Blossom, I think that you should be able to get Abby a very decent payday, not to mention a promotion." Oliver said and Laurel smiled and nodded.

"Gladly. This will also likely help you gain Abby's trust, since she isn't exactly a fan of the one percent in this city." Laurel said and Oliver nodded.

"Understandable." Oliver said, considering what a one percenter had done to Abby.

"So, when are you gonna take him down?" Laurel asked.

"As soon as Felicity gets me all the information I need to find him." Oliver said and Laurel smiled.

"It's been awhile you've taken on an issue like this. In fact, I don't think you've done it since you were the Hood." Laurel said.

"Special circumstances. Though I am going to be paying visits to a lot of the percenters in this city, I'm also going to be focusing more on the kind of thing we used to do." Oliver said.

"That's great, but you don't have to do it right now. I mean, you did just get back from five years in hell and I think it would draw suspicion if the Green Arrow suddenly appeared the same night you came back to town." Laurel said and Oliver smiled and nodded as he pulled Laurel back into h

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