Chapter 19

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Abby was watching as Oliver, Laurel, John, Rene and Dawn gear up for their raid on Thomas Blossom's home to bring him to justice, since they'd gotten all the information they'd needed to take him down and of course, Felicity had leaked the data to her stepfather, who'd used it to get an arrest warrant for him. One that wouldn't get tossed out, especially since Blossom no longer had the money to pay off the commissioner.

The main reason Team Arrow was going at all was because since Blossom was working for Malcolm, there was a good chance that Blossom would be protected by thugs that were a bit above the SCPD's pay grade. Plus, they wanted to make sure that he didn't get away and Abby was not going to be left out.

"Oliver, I'm coming with you and don't forget what Blossom put me through. He cost both me and my dad our jobs and ruined my life. I need to be there when you put an arrow in his heart." Abby said.

"I'm not killing him, just because while he's a scumbag, he doesn't deserve to die. At least not by my hand. I wouldn't be surprised if Malcolm had him killed to remove a loose end." Oliver said.

"Oliver, my family nearly fell apart because of what Blossom did to us. We nearly lost everything. I need to be there to watch you do the same thing to him. And just to be clear, I'm not asking. I'm telling you." Abby said and Oliver nodded, understanding that better than most.

"I understand, but even though I know you have magic, you have no combat experience, so if you're coming, you're not getting involved in the fighting." Oliver said.

"My dad was a former marine, I can handle myself." Abby said.

"Still, I want to stay close to Rene, since John's partnered with me and Laurel's partnered with Dawn." Oliver said and Abby nodded, very happy that Oliver was letting her come along, even though she'd made it clear that she was not asking, she was going whether she liked it or not.

"You have a costume, since you can't storm the house with us dressed in everyday clothes." Oliver asked her.

"What do you take me for, an amateur?" Abby asked as she snapped her fingers and suddenly her outfit shifted from her jeans and sweatshirt to an outfit that looked like a cross between Thea's old speedy suit and Dinah's old Black Canary suit. The suit looked like it was made of red leather that covered Abby's torso, her shoulders were exposed but her arms were covered by red sleeves and fingerless gloves and she had black straps going across her abdomen and she had a kind of black shirt around her waist, which partially covered the red leather pants she was now wearing, with a black bejeweled leg strap and knee high black combat boots, along with a red hood that covered her head with a crimson jewel at the base of her neck and a red mask covering her face. A glowing red staff with a glowing red ruby on it.

"Nice outfit." Dawn said appreciatively looking at how well the suit hugged Abby's body.

"What do you think Esrin was training me for?" Abby asked and Oliver chuckled.

"I have to admit, I'm impressed. That's a very cool outfit. And the staff?" Oliver asked.

"I'm a sorceress, not a witch. While I can use my magic without a tool, this staff helps me use my powers to greater effect. And I have to admit, I have been waiting a long time to use the spell that summons this gear, since I haven't used it since I finished my magic training." Abby said.

"What's it made out of?" Felicity asked.

"Enchanted palladium. It's very powerful and very temperamental, since palladium is already a very dangerous substance in the wrong hands and the only reason my family didn't lose everything after my dad was fired from the station was because my mom's family runs palladium mines in New York. I chose palladium to pay tribute to my origins." Abby said as the rest of Team Arrow finished getting suited up.

"One more question. Are you sure you're up for this?" Green Arrow asked her.

"Positive. But one more thing. Don't call me Abby when I'm wearing this. Call me Magi." Abby said and Green Arrow grinned.

"Okay then, let's move out." Green Arrow said as the team headed out.

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