Chapter 24

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Evelyn Sharpe was currently jumping off the rooftops of Star City, or at least she was trying to so she could be like her hero, the Green Arrow, but she was nowhere near his level, but she wanted to do something to help him, since he'd gotten justice for her parents' deaths where the police and the criminal justice system had failed.

Anyways, Evelyn had just tried to jump a big gap between two buildings, but she missed her mark by several feet and was likely going to either need to spend a lot of time in a hospital or more likely join her parents in death, but to her surprise, as she fell, she felt something wrap around her leg and pull her back onto the roof she'd tried to jump from and when Evelyn got to her feet, she was shocked to find the Green Arrow standing in front of her.

"You're the Green Arrow." Evelyn said in a completely starstruck voice.

"And you're my fangirl apparently. Didn't know I had them until I saw you take care of those robbers." Green Arrow said.

"Just trying to follow in your example." Evelyn said as she pulled off her hood so her hero could see her face.

"I understand that, but right now you've gotten very lucky and luck won't last forever. You've got some skills, but you lack the focus and training needed to do what my team and I do." Green Arrow said, not unkindly, but truthfully.

"So teach me. I can learn from you." Evelyn said and Green Arrow chuckled.

"I admit, I'm impressed with the skills you've shown so far and you have potential, but I'm not sure if you're ready to commit to this yet." Green Arrow said.

"I am. I want to help this city the same way you do." Evelyn said.

"No. If you want to do this, first you need to be honest with me and more importantly, yourself about why you're doing this." Green Arrow said and Evelyn sighed.

"Do you know what it's like to lose people you care about? To watch them die and not be able to do anything about it?" Evelyn asked him and Green Arrow sighed, since that was basically the story of his life.

"All too well." Green Arrow said, thinking of his father in particular.

"I lost both of my parents because John Nickel and no one in this city seemed to give a damn about them. Just more deaths in Star City. But you did what the cops didn't. You got them justice. You care about this city in a way that no one else does. In a way that I want to. I want to keep anyone else from feeling the pain I feel from losing my family. No one should have to go through that." Evelyn said and she could've sworn it looked like he was smiling under his hood.

"So this isn't about revenge then?" Green Arrow asked.

"No. My parents raised me better than that. Giving into revenge would only dishonor them and it wouldn't bring them back." Evelyn said.

"You're a very wise girl for your age. But before I need to know that you're committed to this." Green Arrow said.

"I want this more than anything. To keep my city safe from threats that the cops either can't or won't fight." Evelyn said.

"Then take this." Green Arrow said as he handed her a card with an address on it.

"What's this?" Evelyn asked.

"Come to this address tomorrow night at 8pm and you'll prove to both myself and my team that you have what it takes to be one of us." Green Arrow said and Evelyn smiled, since at least she was getting her chance.

"Thank you." Evelyn said.

"Don't thank me. Prove me right. But for now," Green Arrow said as he handed her a card.

"What's this?" Evelyn asked.

"A cash card with enough money for you to get a hotel room tonight, along with some decent food, since I'm guessing that you haven't had that since your parents died." Green Arrow said, putting her up for one night, since if Evelyn joined Team Arrow, he'd make sure that she wouldn't have to struggle to survive anymore.

"Thank you. Can you give me a lift to the ground floor?" Evelyn asked and Green Arrow chuckled as he fired a cable arrow.

"Hang on tight." he said as he grabbed her and swung down to the ground.

"See you tomorrow night. Stay out of trouble." Green Arrow said before he left Evelyn alone with her in shock that she was actually getting a chance to join the big leagues.

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