Chapter 27

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"You're sure you don't mind me taking your apartment?" Abby asked Laurel as she was shown around.

"Not at all. Besides, it's not like I'll be needing it anymore, since I'm moving in with Oliver and you cannot keep living with your parents if you're gonna be a part of team arrow, since eventually, they will start wondering where you spend your nights." Laurel said.

"And you want me to take this place off your hands since you can't move in with Oliver until you sell this place." Abby said with a chuckle.

"That goes without saying." Laurel said.

"Are you okay? You look a little tired." Abby said, noticing how tired Laurel looked.

"Yeah, I haven't been sleeping well lately." Laurel said, right as she put her hand over her mouth and rushed to the bathroom to throw up.

"Okay, that's clearly more than just not sleeping well." Abby said, immediately shifting into doctor mode.

"I just ate something that didn't agree with me." Laurel said.

"Still, as your doctor, I'm giving you a quick check up and no, you don't have a choice about it." Abby said as Laurel exited the bathroom.

"Fine. But I know that look on your face. What do you suspect?" Laurel asked.

"That you and Oliver had a little too much fun when you two celebrated moving in together." Abby said.

"What? There's no way I'm pregnant. Besides, wouldn't it be too soon for me to be showing symptoms?" Laurel asked, since it had only been a week since Oliver had asked her to move in.

"Not necessarily, it's different for every woman, not to mention there's no telling how your meta-dna might impact things either. Come on, let's head to the bunker so I can run some tests on you, just so we'll know for sure." Abby said, making it clear that this was not up for discussion.

"Fine." Laurel said, knowing that when Abby was in doctor mode, there was no talking her down, not to mention she wanted to debunk Abby's claims that she's pregnant, but she does want to know what's going on with her.

About 20 minutes later, Laurel and Abby were in the medbay of their current bunker, though Oliver was working on finding a new location for a larger bunker for the larger team, but anyways, Abby was currently running some tests on a sample she'd taken of Laurel's blood while Laurel was sitting on the medical bench.

"Okay, tests are complete." Abby said as she looked over the data.

"So doc, what's the verdict?" Laurel asked.

"Hang on, I'm trying to decide if I should say congratulations or I told you so." Abby said and Laurel was shocked.

"Wait, I actually am pregnant?" Laurel asked.

"Yep. But there is one thing I was wrong about." Abby said.

"And that would be?" Laurel asked.

"The time of conception. I'd say that you're already about 10 weeks along. I have to admit, I'm kind of surprised you didn't figure it out yet, since you have to have missed at least one period." Abby said.

"I've been a little too distracted by everything else happening to consider that." Laurel said, though now that Abby mentioned that, it didn't explain why she'd missed her last two periods.

"Fair enough. But I'm confiscating your supersuit, the Black Canary is officially grounded, doctor's orders." Abby said.

"Agreed. Besides, the city has the Green Arrow to protect it now anyways. It doesn't need me quite as much anymore. But the more important question is, how much experience do you have delivering babies?" Laurel asked.

"Wait, what?" Abby asked.

"You're the only doctor I trust to deliver this baby, especially since you've already got your medical license back and after what happened after Damien Darhk stabbed me, I don't trust hospitals and you're the only doctor I trust. You're delivering this baby." Laurel said, making it clear that this was not up for negotiation.

"Good thing I do have some experience with childbirth, though I may need to refresh my memory a bit. Also, since I've decided not to go back to working for the same hospital that fired me, can you please file my lawsuit against them." Abby asked and Laurel chuckled.

"Absolutely. I'll deduct my fee out of whatever you get." Laurel said.

"Great, so when are you going to tell Oliver that he's going to be a father?" Abby asked.

"Not till he gets back from Hub City with his wayward sister Emiko, since this is a face to face conversation don't you think?" Laurel asked.

"True. But maybe we should tell the rest of the team that John's taking over command of it until he gets back, since I know technically we're off duty, but you never know when Merlyn might strike." Abby said.

"I'm not telling anyone else before I tell Oliver. Anyways, am I far enough along to tell if it's a boy or a girl?" Laurel asked.

"Nope. But I will need either your boyfriend or your stepsister to buy the equipment I'll need to check on it." Abby said.

"Why don't you do what I did when I came home from Gotham?" Laurel asked.

"I already became a vigilante." Abby said and Laurel rolled her eyes.

"I mean, I remember before she died, Rebecca Merlyn ran a free clinic in the Glades to give its citizens access to free health and medical care, something they definitely need. Maybe you could start it back up. I'm sure Felicity will be happy to fund it." Laurel said.

"Not a bad idea. But for now, you should call Oliver to tell him to get his ass back to Star City now so you can tell him the good news. I just hope he'll think it's good news." Abby said.

"He will." Laurel said, since from what Felicity had told her, Oliver had been a great father, all things considered.

"I hope you're right." Abby said, since she hoped that Laurel wasn't just deluding herself and that Oliver actually would be happy about this baby. For his sake, since she would curse him if he didn't.

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